How flu scenes can help in the fight against Govt-19

Since we already know that the antibodies produced by people following a corona virus infection decrease over time, there is a good chance that any corona virus vaccine will need to be administered again, perhaps annually, to provide adequate protection. Unlike the flu, Covit-19 showed no evidence of having a season. Whether the weather is hot, cold, dry or wet, this corona virus is highly contagious. But like the flu, it spreads from person to person immediately, and before the victims become infected, infected, or uninfected.

Another fact to note: the flu vaccine Can’t and can’t Causing fever. Some people may have a feverish reaction to the flu, but this may indicate the body’s attempt to mobilize the immune system. Or, as Dr. Osterhom points out, those who get the flu within a few days of being vaccinated may actually have another respiratory error or may have already been infected with the flu virus when the shot is received. Influenza viruses usually have an incubation period of one to four days before symptoms develop, and it takes two weeks for the vaccine to become completely safe.

However, even if people get the flu after being properly vaccinated, the disease can be significantly reduced. It may also be present in the corona virus vaccine.

Experts are very concerned about a flu pandemic and an outbreak of the Kovit-19 epidemic this winter, which could easily overwhelm the medical care system and create a new shortage of hospital beds and personal protective equipment. Pneumonia is an uncommon complication of the flu, which can add to the hospital burden for those with a life-threatening corona virus infection.

Experts are also concerned about the individuals who develop the flu, thinking that it may be Covit-19, inadvertently exposing a person to this dreaded virus and causing a lack of tests. Both diseases are possible Produces similar symptoms: Fever, cough, shortness of breath and fatigue may be severe.

Another worrying possibility is that people with the flu will be more susceptible to controlling the corona virus and developing a serious illness.

Although the risk of Covit-19 is ruled out, the complications of the flu can be serious. Among them are bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections and exacerbation of chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart failure. Others at risk for severe flu-related complications include people 65 years of age and older, pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.

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