House of Representatives wants to remove controversial Chinese cameras: ‘Immediately remove debris from wall’

The Dutch government has been using the cameras of Chinese brands Hikvision and Dahua for years. At least fifty municipalities use cameras, but it is not clear how many are in our country. NOS previously announced in The Hague More than 130 have been hung, Like officials and foreign diplomats going in and out every day at the entrance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The municipality of Amsterdam also has controversial cameras. Police recently purchased 700 cameras from the Chinese brand Tahua.

Back door

Chinese cameras are cheap but can be abused. The fear is that China will use cameras to spy and the technology will be able to monitor through the back door. The cabinet wants to inquire into the matter first, but a majority of the House of Representatives calls for immediate action and believes this type of camera should go immediately.

“If it’s ours, we’ll get that rubbish out of the wall soon,” says VVD MP Queen Rajkowski. “This is very unpleasant. We need to stop being naive. China is a country that wants to come and spy. What do we do? We’re hanging their cameras here.”

Coalition partner D66 supports this call. “When governments use cameras from countries with offensive cyber plans, it involves huge risks,” said MP Lisa Van Jinnegan. “AIVT has warned about this before. Spying or sabotage cannot be ruled out.”

‘Chinese Snoopers’

The D66 has been concerned for some time that we depend on Chinese technology. “It is good that the cabinet is reviewing procurement requirements and guidelines in the field of cyber security. We hope that governments will already set a good example by not using Chinese cameras.”

PvdA MP Barbara Kathman: “It’s worrying why they are hanging out there.” PVV MP Kitty Marcussover thinks, ‘Chinese snoopers should get out of our kitchen’. “As far as I’m concerned today is not tomorrow.”

The Netherlands is not alone

The Netherlands is not the only country under attack by Chinese manufacturers for fear of spying. Hikvision and Dahua cameras are no longer allowed to be installed in government buildings in the United States.

It remains to be seen at trial whether it will come to our country. The government does not want to expect this yet.

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