Heinz is looking for a man who survived weeks at sea thanks to a bottle of ketchup

The sailor who was lost at sea for weeks in January and lived largely on ketchup can get a new, modern boat. The gift is due to the famous ketchup producer Heinz who is trying to find the man named Elvis François.

The company posted a social media appeal last month, hoping to find the elusive Dominican sailor. According to Heinz’s social media, they have already contacted the government of Dominica, the island where Francis is from, and the Colombian Navy, who rescued him northwest of Puerto Bolívar in Colombia.

Heinz calls to find the man

But so far, none of the efforts to find Francis have been successful, Heinz said. So the ketchup vendor is now asking “the general public to help with the hunt,” according to a statement released by CNN was shared.

Heinz requests the hashtag #FindTheKetchupBoatGuy to amplify their search. “We are also asking for credible leads to contact Elvis so that we can cover a new boat with full navigational technology to avoid another disaster in the future,” added the ketchup producer.

Survive from a bottle of ketchup

Francois, 47, was repairing his boat off the Dutch side of the island of Sint Maarten in December when his boat was pulled overboard. He told Colombian authorities he did not have the knowledge of navigation to return to land. As a result, he spent 24 days at sea.

He survived on a bottle of ketchup, garlic powder and Maggi bouillon cubes, which he mixed with water. According to Colombian authorities, he was rescued after a plane spotted his sailboat. François had the word “help” engraved on the hull.

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Food producer Heinz is looking for a man who survived weeks at sea eating ketchup

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