Govit-19: Mayo Clinic Situation Update

Rochester, e. (KDTC) – With the number of Govt-19 cases on the rise in the Midwest, the country’s number one hospital is working hard to stay on top of the situation.

Among all the updates, there is a good news from Mayo.

The good news shared in Tuesday’s status update was that the positive rate was down, keeping Rochester down less than 10%.

We also learned that Mayo staff are controlling the virus from social outbreaks, but that the number of staff currently infected with COVID-19 across the Midwest has dropped slightly compared to last week.

Mayo Clinic Executive Dean, Amy Williams

“We’ve seen a drop in the number of trials we’ve been doing over the weekend, which may be a sign that we’re revealing fewer people in the community,” said Amy Williams, dean of the Mayo Clinic.

About a week ago, we learned that more than 900 employees at the Mayo Clinic Health System had been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the previous two weeks.

On Tuesday, Williams said the clinic was able to stay on top of things.

“This is a key to how we were able to manage the entire Midwest, which uses our entire system,” Williams said. “We have also hired or hired retired support staff. Now it’s newly retired and still licensed.”

However, this is not a long-term solution.

“We have staff to cover the gaps created by COVID, but it will be hard for us to see more gaps,” Williams said.

Another positive development is that a new antibody therapy is better underway.

“We have injected more than 105 individuals with monoclonal antibodies, which is going incredibly well,” Williams said.

Mayo is preparing for another upsurge of cases to be admitted to the hospital as some things are going in the right direction.

“We are all planning, two weeks after Thanksgiving, we are ready for the uprising we are looking forward to after all the meetings and trips. So please wear your mask, social distance and hand hygiene,” Williams said. “It simply came to our notice then. It is important to reduce the uprising and reduce the burden on our hospitals. ”

As of Tuesday, the Williams Mayo Clinic provided system updates to patients admitted to the hospital throughout the health system.

87 87 patients, including 27 in the ICU in Rochester, Minnesota.

Northwest Wisconsin – 84 patients, including 11 in the ICU.

Southeast Minnesota – 24 patients, including 2 in the ICU.

Southwest Minnesota – 42 patients, including 10 in the ICU.

Southwest Wisconsin – 33 patients, including 3 in the ICU.

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