Government pushes Baker fever shots; The courts plan for jury trials

BOSTON (AP) – State Charlie Baker said Thursday that this year’s flu outbreak is the best way to help state guards combat the growing demand for health care services caused by any new rise in corona virus cases.

Public health officials have warned that an increase in the two diseases could put pressure on state hospitals and the health care system, Republicans told a news conference at CVS Pharmacy in the Roslindale neighborhood of Boston.

“As we continue to struggle with COVID-19, we need to do everything we can to reduce the impact of the flu and other respiratory illnesses,” Baker said. “The simultaneous presence of the flu and the Covit-19 uprising in the Commonwealth would be an incredibly difficult situation for them to manage their way.”

Baker said the state should also work harder to ensure that all students are not affected by the flu. He said the current vaccination rate for elementary students is 81%, but the state can do better.

State public health officials announced last month that all students and children aged six months and older will need flu shots at colleges and universities in preschool, K-12, and Massachusetts.

According to Health and Human Services Secretary Marillo Suders, the government is also storing additional flu footage.

Generally, the government receives 900,000 doses from the flu season. This year, it rose to 1.15 million, or 28%, Sutherland said.

During the 2019-2020 influenza season, 40,000 flu cases were reported to the state public health department. Suders said about 6,600 people died in the state.


Northeast students

11 new students at Northeastern University who were fired for violating social distance guidelines on campus after being found in the same hotel room will be reimbursed most of this semester, Boston Globe Announced.

The university initially said it would not refund students. But in a letter to the Globe, the university said it “acknowledges that the incident occurred before the start of the semester and before the start of classes, and that sanctions could lead to a loss of access to university resources and education.”

Students were notified by letter on Thursday that their semester long-term layoffs would stand, but students would no longer have to cover the total cost of their program, 500 36,500. Northeast, holding 7 8,740, the newspaper said.

Earlier this month, Baker backed the university’s decision to lay off 11 students for the fall semester.

“The rules are the rules. They were established beforehand. Everyone testified to them, they broke them,” Baker said earlier.

He said he “feels terrible” for students and their families, but that the college experience has changed.

“This is very important, especially at this time when children are returning to school, and everyone appreciates and accepts the fact that college is not going to be last year or the year before,” he said.


Court plan to return jury trials

The state Supreme Court plans to gradually resume arbitration hearings on or after October 23.

Phase 1 of the project will consist of arbitral hearings with a limited number of six persons conducted in person at selected locations, without more than one trial being conducted at each location, and challenges available to each party with specific limits on the number of locations.

Court officials expect Phase 2 to begin in February, although plans to resume arbitration hearings could be adjusted in response to changes in the rate of corona virus outbreak in the state.

Courts continue to run most businesses, and courts are constantly open to the public for limited purposes, including certain personal activities.

Judges will continue to conduct bench tests almost in person or in person.


Updated virus numbers

Massachusetts health officials on Thursday reported 419 new confirmed COVID-19 and 15 additional virus-related deaths.

There are now 124,000 confirmed cases and 9,051 deaths in the state, according to the Department of Public Health.

The 7-day roll of daily new cases in Massachusetts averaged more than 355 new cases per day on Sept. 2, rising to more than 365 on Wednesday, according to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Science and Engineering. .

Johns Hopkins said the 7-day roll average of the positive rate in Massachusetts has risen slightly over the past two weeks, but is less than 1%.

The number of state hospitals affected by the disease was 377 on Thursday, up from 352 the previous day.

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