Google Maps Covit-19 Layer shows corona virus outbreaks near you

Google Maps Covit-19 Overlay


Google Wednesday Google has announced a new feature on Maps This will show how many Covid-19 cases there are in specific geographical areas. It draws information from Johns Hopkins, the New York Times and Wikipedia and shows a color-coded map with new cases averaging seven days per 100,000 people in a particular area. It will work in 220 countries and territories.

This means you can open Google Maps to see eruptions in your area, which can help with the rapid spread of the disease in the fall and winter. You can also use this to see if there is an explosion in a particular area before you make holiday travel plans.

Google Maps Covit-19 Layer


The feature for iPhones and Android phones is coming out this week. I mean you may not see it today, but you will in the days to come. Search for Google Maps update.

How to use Google Maps to track Covid-19

Google Maps Covit-19 Layer


Once you receive the update, you can use the new feature by doing:

  • Open Google Maps.
  • Tap the Layers button, which looks like a square on top of another square.
  • Select the “Covit-19 Info” layer.
  • Now you will see a map of cases around the world, intensively color-coded.

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