Germany Deals with Corona virus rise with 3 simple strategies

German Chancellor Angela Merkel wears a safety mask after speaking to the media for her annual summer press conference during the corona virus outbreak on August 28, 2020 in Berlin, Germany.

Anatolic Agency | Anatolic Agency | Getty Images

President Angela Merkel has vowed to avoid another full-fledged national lockout as corona virus infections begin to rise again in Germany.

Like its European neighbors, Germany did not avoid a second wave of the virus after the region’s economies reopened in the summer. However, so far it has not seen an upsurge in events like France, Spain and the UK

For example, when There are 7,143 new cases reported in the UK And 71 deaths from the virus on Tuesday, Public Health Organization of Germany 2,089 new cases and 11 deaths have been reported.

In the first outbreak of the corona virus Germany did not perform as badly as its neighbors and managed to control the deaths (there are still less than 10,000 – much less than in the UK, Italy, France and Spain). But officials were not satisfied with the second wave of cases.

“We want to act regionally, specifically and objectively, rather than re-closing the whole country – this must be prevented at all costs,” Merkel told regional leaders at a news conference Tuesday, the Deutsche Valle report said.

“We learned a lot and did better throughout the summer,” Merkel said, but she warned that the growing number of cases ahead of the fall and winter seasons is troubling.

He warned that with the current epidemic rate, Germany could see more than 19,000 cases a day by the end of the year as it announced new restrictions, and reiterated guidelines surrounding social distance and personal hygiene and the strengthening of the country. Testing and tracking system.

Three components

“The basic strategy is still to make it possible to detect epidemics, so schools and the economy need to remain open,” JPMorgan Eurogroup economist Greg Fusey said Tuesday.

He noted that the strategy consists of “three components”: reviewing existing hygiene and distance rules, testing and tracking system and improving the “hotspot strategy”.

As a part of the latter, regions should control the number of people admitted to private parties (as many as 50) if the infection exceeds 35 per 100,000 citizens in seven days. If the number of infections exceeds 50 per 100,000 people, only 25 will be allowed to attend private ceremonies. Individuals can be fined up to 50 euros ($ 58) for providing false contact information at restaurants and other indoor establishments.

Particular attention is paid to community outreach in Germany, as religious or family events such as the public health system, the Robert Koch Institute, weddings, or nursing homes and social facilities were sources of explosions, in addition to returning travelers. Against this background, Germany is developing its testing strategy to include quick tests in certain situations, such as for returning passengers.

Germany, along with its European counterparts, is reluctant to return to any national lockout that could lead to further economic damage. So far, European countries have opted for regional or more localized locks, say parts of Madrid in the north of England and Spain, or restrictions on pre-hospitality and community gatherings.

Bolnberg’s chief economist Holger Schmidting noted on Wednesday that behavioral changes, such as wearing a mask and adhering to more decent social distance, and “targeted restrictions are enough to reverse and prevent the spread of the virus, forcing countries to impose more severe locks”.

“The new wave of regional and targeted activity across much of Europe restricts social activity rather than work and shopping ability,” he noted.

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