Explosion! The astronaut takes amazing photos of the Soyuz rocket launched from space

Russian astronaut Ivan Wagner photographs the Soyuz rocket that will send three colleagues into space on October 14, 2020. (Image credit: Roscosmos)

An astronaut in orbit recorded stunning photos of three astronauts International Space Station.

Russian astronaut Evan Wagner has been in orbit since April, and one of the three astronauts has been living in orbit for the past six months. But now, he and his colleagues have the company: two more astronauts and a NASA astronaut, Who started On a Russian Soyuz rocket EDT from Kazakhstan on Wednesday (Oct. 14) at 1:45 am (local time 0545 GMT; 10:45 am). Soyuz Arrived at the station three hours later, New registration for a quick group trip to the orbit lab.

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