E.V. Grants work

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There are a few constants in the car world: everyone buys trucks when gas is cheap, everyone buys compacts when prices are high, and everyone always complains that new BMWs have lost their edge. Not included in that list is EV. Grants are as complex as they come. But they work. And all that and more Morning shift For September 9, 2020.

1st gear: EV in epidemics in Europe.

Nothing disappears as quickly as government support for EVs, which may come with every changing administration. When they are around, they do the work Financial Times Reports from the Far Continent of Europe:

Automotive data supplier Jato said EV sales rose by almost two-thirds during the same period, as registration of petrol and diesel cars in Europe fell by a third in June. In the UK, sales of new cars doubled in August, according to official figures.


In June, Berlin announced a $ 130 billion stimulus package, which would include a 6 6,000 subsidy for EVs and a temporary VAT cut. In France, the $ 8 billion plan to revive the country’s motor industry, announced in May, includes incentives to buy EVs. “We are [also] Markets such as Spain and Italy saw rapid growth, with EVs expected to continue until 2019. Were behind the adoption, ”Mr Irley said.

About 414,000 EVs were sold in Europe in the first six months of 2020, an increase of 57 percent over the same period last year – EV-volumes in Europe for the first time in at least five years.

“China has so far led the electrified driving race in terms of electricity and demand due to government incentives and support, but this year we have seen a change, with Europe leading the race,” says Felipe Munos, a global analyst at JATO.

That grant program In fact Getting EVs can be a high gas line, but it can be a conversation for a different time.

2nd gear: We have no idea when / when the hydrogen will leave

I have been waiting my whole adult life until hydrogen cars come from the edge, and it looks like I will still be waiting how Also reports:

In July, Berlin unveiled its national hydrogen strategy, allocating $ 9 billion to invest in technology, which Transport Minister Andreas Square said would “provide new opportunities for the future and help create plenty of jobs” for the local auto industry.

VTMA, which represents Germany’s mechanical engineering industry, offers a hydrogen investment country – lagging behind many Asian economies when it comes to battery cell technology and solar expertise – which is a unique opportunity.

“We are still globally polarized and can map the entire value chain in Germany and Europe,” says Hartmut Rowen, the company’s deputy general manager.

Wait, b 9 billion invested? What am I talking about! E.V. I believe there is more to growth than that.

While VW alone has spent $ 33 billion to build more than 70 battery electric models over the next few years, the industry investing in charging infrastructure and rapid expansion of battery cell production – cannot produce hydrogen vehicles at the same time, BEM argues.

Oh. So car companies put their money into EVs and put hydrogen in the back burner. Cool.

3rd Gear: Tesla has a way of suppressing claims of sexual harassment and racism

Tesla has a complicated past in claiming employee racism, and those claims have been largely suppressed by the company. An investor is trying to change that Bloomberg Reports:

When Tesla Inc.’s shareholders gather for their annual meeting on September 22, Christine Hull will have about three minutes to sue against the use of forced arbitration for employee sexual harassment and racial discrimination claims.

Hull is the founder and CEO of Nia Impact Capital, a community-based fund based in Auckland, California, and invests in a number of sustainable energy companies. Tesla is its biggest name and one of its biggest stocks. Late last year, he filed The first type of plan for Tesla partner resolution. Listen: The team of California-based electric car maker Paulo Aldo has more than 60,000 employees worldwide to produce a report on the use of employee arbitration.

Most people who work directly Tesla signs their rights to a test. Hull wants to know how many discrimination and harassment cases go to arbitration, how much it costs the company, and the statistics of investors and claimants.

During a socially televised interview at Auckland’s historic conservation park near the NIA office, Hull said: “We are here to overcome this.” This is the issue of our time, this is a civil rights issue. Elon Musk cannot give a pass with the company he runs. ”

For all the talk about unrestricted markets and licensing-fire operations, Silicon Valley seems to be doing a lot of work to mobilize its workers. I wondered why!

4th gear: Uber has M 800M Lying for EV, I think

Uber and GM are allies for the Chevy Bolts discount, which is nice, I think, but strangely enough, Uber has a lot of money to help its drivers get EVs. From Detroit Free Press:

General Motors has partnered with Uber to offer Uber drivers a discount of 4 2,400 to 7 2,750 on the purchase of a Chevrolet Bolt vehicle and a 20% discount on vehicle charging equipment. The starting price of the bolt is approximately 000 37,000. It has negotiated with other companies for discounts ranging from 10% to 50% for its drivers to charge electric vehicles at different locations.

In all, Uber plans to spend $ 800 million on projects that will help hundreds of thousands of drivers switch to electric vehicles by 2025.

[…]Uberin’s commitment to working with drivers to make the transition more cost-effective and profitable says, “We know we can not put pressure on drivers to see this commitment in a way that benefits them,” said Rebecca Wilton, Campaign Representative for the Sierra Club with Clean Transport for All. “We need all hands from companies to deal with pollution, combat the climate crisis and ensure equal working standards.”

In fact. Money is good, but I see Uber spending money to treat its drivers like full staff.

5th Gear: Ford First Place in Canadian Union Bargain Basel

We have Previously announced Unifor (Canadian Automotive Workers Union) is preparing to move. The first one to do Ford batting, we now know Detroit Free Press:

Ford could face a strike if negotiations with Canadian automakers stumble.

Unifor, the union representing Canadian autoworkers, has chosen Ford Motor Company, which expects to strike a bargaining chip for the Detroit III. This does not mean that the company will face a strike, but it is something that the union can call, as the UAW did in the 40-day nationwide US strike against General Motors last year.

Reverse: Hmm.

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