Dozens of ancient coffins were unearthed in Egypt

2,500-year-old coffins found in the vast Sahara Negropolis in Egypt were on display Saturday.

Fifty-nine coffins belonging to 26th-generation Egyptian priests and scribes were found south of Cairo in August. One of the most important funeral rites was with 28 statues of the ancient Egyptian god Seker, buried in three stalks 30 to 40 feet high. Reuters reports.

Mostaba al-Wasiri, secretary-general of Egypt’s Supreme Ancient Council, said the coffins were in perfect condition because of a security seal that had protected them from chemical reactions for centuries. Early studies show that decorated coffins were made for priests, high officials, and the aristocracy in the late Pharonic (664-525 BC).

One was opened in front of reporters to reveal the mummy inside, The Associated Press reported.

Egyptian archeology began digging in 2018 in the wake of the discovery. Previous discoveries include the temporary storage of mummified animals and the well-preserved tomb of a fifth-generation royal priest.

The Sagara Plateau offers at least 11 pyramids, including the Step Pyramid, with hundreds of ancient officials and other sites from the 1st Dynasty (2920 BC to 2770 BC) to the Coptic period (395-642).

The Grand Egyptian Museum, which is expected to open next year, will finally open the coffins before the exhibition and read their contents.

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