Dodo Finance: Rockets Target US Embassy in Iraqi Capitals Green Zone

Title: US Embassy in Baghdad Rocked by Rocket Attack; No Casualties Reported

Date: [Insert Date]

The heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, housing the US embassy, was targeted in a rocket attack on [Insert Date]. The attack, believed to have been initiated by Iran-aligned militias, resulted in no casualties but caused material damage to the vicinity.

Videos circulating online captured the terrifying moments when explosions shook the area near the US embassy. Sirens wailed, and security measures were promptly activated to ensure the safety of embassy personnel.

Confirming the incident, the US embassy stated that two rocket attacks had taken place. Concerns are mounting as these attacks mark the latest in a series of ongoing strikes against US forces in Iraq since the start of the Gaza war.

US officials have repeatedly accused Iran of facilitating these attacks, raising tensions between the two countries. The US is now calling on Iraq to enhance its efforts in protecting diplomatic and coalition partner personnel stationed within its borders.

In response to the attack, the Iraqi Prime Minister swiftly condemned it as an act of terrorism. He emphasized the need for a peaceful resolution while expressing solidarity with the US and other coalition partners.

Moreover, various Iraqi groups have vowed retaliation against both Israel and the US for their involvement in the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This proclamation raises concerns about the potential escalation of violence in the region.

It is worth noting that this attack comes amidst a surge in violence against US forces in Iraq, with at least 66 attacks reported since the commencement of the Gaza war.

No group has claimed responsibility for the rocket attack on the US embassy. However, given the growing tensions and the history of similar incidents, all eyes are on Iran-aligned militias as the likely perpetrators.

As investigations into this incident proceed, security measures are expected to be bolstered in and around the US embassy in Baghdad. The international community anxiously awaits a resolution to the ongoing violence and a de-escalation of tensions in the region.

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