Title: ‘Baldur’s Gate III Considered a Strong Contender for Game of the Year 2023, While Sony May Have Acquired a Potential Competitor’
Baldur’s Gate III, the highly anticipated role-playing game set in the popular Dungeons & Dragons universe, is generating significant buzz as a top contender for Game of the Year in 2023. Despite being released exclusively for PC, the game has garnered attention for its immersive gameplay and narrative.
Taking place 120 years after the events of the previous game, Baldur’s Gate III once again requires players to unite to combat the forces of darkness. With an estimated 200 hours of gameplay and a staggering 17,000 possible endings, the game promises an epic adventure for players.
While the commercial and critical reception of Baldur’s Gate III remains to be seen, it will be intriguing to compare it with another highly anticipated RPG, Starfield, developed by Bethesda. Starfield, an Xbox console exclusive due to Microsoft’s ownership of Bethesda’s parent company, ZeniMax Media, is expected to provide a much-needed boost to Xbox’s lineup of first-party exclusives.
In fact, the release of Starfield has prompted some gamers to purchase an Xbox Series X|S solely to play the game. Meanwhile, the PlayStation 5 (PS5) lacks a comparable RPG in terms of genre, leaving an opening for Baldur’s Gate III to potentially become a time-exclusive on the platform.
However, it is worth noting that Larian Studios, the developer of Baldur’s Gate III, has faced technical limitations in bringing the game to the Xbox Series S, resulting in a delay for the Xbox version. This delay may hinder its ability to compete directly with Starfield upon release.
Interestingly, Sony may have inadvertently secured a potential competitor to Starfield, as Baldur’s Gate III shares the same release date as the Bethesda title. If Sony can secure a time-exclusive deal for Baldur’s Gate III, it could present a significant challenge to Microsoft’s aspirations for the success of Starfield.
As the gaming community eagerly awaits the release of both Baldur’s Gate III and Starfield, it is clear that these two games will shape the landscape of the RPG genre in the coming year. The battle between these titles will undoubtedly captivate players and fans alike, making 2023 an exciting year for gaming enthusiasts.
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