Covid in Scotland: ‘Struggle’ students said they could return home

Student in Glasgow hallsImage copyright
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Students fighting in university hostels have been told they can return home following the Govt explosion.

But Education Minister Richard Lochhead said he did not expect a “mass exit” Updated guidance Published by the Scottish Government.

The guideline also states that students can see parents if there is a “reasonable excuse” such as a family emergency.

But short periods without one are still considered “crime”.

These guidelines were issued after a flood of complaints from students who felt trapped in university or college dormitories.

BBC talk Good Morning Scotland Project, Mr Lochhead said: “I know many students are struggling at this time, but I also know that many students accept that they want to be at university.

“This time it is challenging, especially if they are self-isolated, but they are enjoying the opportunity to make new connections, at least to meet their teachers, even though they have a lot of learning online.

“So I do not expect a mass evacuation from Scotland’s campuses, but there is a chance for fighters.”

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Media headlineMinister Richard Lochhead said your student can leave the dormitory if you have a “reasonable excuse”

Students who decide to return to another home permanently are asked to follow the rules of self-isolation and do not use public transportation.

The student body NUS Scotland has welcomed the new guidelines.

Its chairman, Matt Grilli, said: “Today’s guidance gives students clarity in the halls and they will consider the next steps.

“We welcome the fact that students can return home on a permanent basis. However, we are disappointed that the government continues to teach in person, which could keep students on campus and unnecessarily increase the risks.

“We continue to urge the Scottish Government to strengthen teaching guidance, so distance learning is the norm, and a reality for as many students as possible.”

‘Horror halls’

But Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Rose criticized the film as still “confusing” and said the guide was released late Sunday.

He told BBC Radio’s Good Morning Scotland: “On the one hand it is said that students can go home, and then if there are certain circumstances they say they can go home. I think there are still questions about what those circumstances are.”

Mr Rose said ministers should have anticipated the increased problems in cases seen in the United States as colleges and universities returned in the new school year.

He added: “This guidance should have been absolutely clear before these young people left home, and of course before they came to university, in many cases, locked up in terrifying halls.”

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Willie Rennie, leader of the Liberal Democrats in Scotland, said the guidance provided some clarity to students, but called on ministers to go further.

Speaking on the show, he said, “We need to have that asymptomatic routine test to make sure people know if they are negative so they can continue home and study.”

Mr Rennie demanded rental rebates and mental health help for students after the country-wide eruption, which he said was predictable.

He added: “This is the biggest movement of the people since the locking started, so it is inevitable that we will get this.”

Health of students

The organization, which represents Scottish universities, said student welfare should be a priority.

Jerry McCormack, professor of convening universities in Scotland, said: “With the support of their universities, students need to choose what is right for their physical and mental health.

“Unfortunately the current situation for this epidemic is that these choices need to be balanced in a broader public health environment.

“We believe there is a real benefit to staying at the University this semester and benefiting from a combination of digital and personal learning and a wide range of services and support.”

Professor McCormack added: “The new student year is a very difficult start for the entire student community, especially those returning to university and attending for the first time.”

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