Columbia University bans 70 students after trip to Turks and Caicos

Columbia University has temporarily banned 70 students from going to Turks and Caicos in violation of school travel policy, according to a report.

“The Turks & Caicos trip was a group event that violated this policy, and disciplinary action was taken,” said University spokesman Christopher Cashman. CNN.

Cashman did not say when the trip took place.

According to the school’s online interpretation of COVID-19 travel policy, “all academic or work-related travel is suspended domestically or internationally” for the fall semester.

Cashman said banned MBA students will not be allowed on campus until Dec. 1, and they will have to attend distance classes.

“All of this is being done to protect the broader health of our community,” he told CNN. “Fortunately, to date, our positive case rate remains low.”

The United States has seen more than 12,000,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 255,000 deaths as of Saturday, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that Americans not travel during the holidays.

But those who wish to do so should follow safety protocols such as wearing masks, hand washing and meeting only in small gatherings, the CDC said.

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