Coalition parties are coming up with an effort to stimulate the local Southeast economy

Coalition parties have submitted an initiative plan to promote a fair, local and sustainable economy in the Southeast. They are based on the ‘social wealth building’, which is already in use in the UK and US.

The idea is that the money earned in a particular area goes back as far as possible to those who live in that area. For example, by inspiring new forms of local entrepreneurship or by buying more from local entrepreneurs.

In addition, it aims to employ more companies from the community anchored in the area.

Wealthy companies, but low-income people

According to Cronlinks, D66, PVDA and SP, this approach is also appropriate for the Southeast. A district that earns a lot (including near the arena), but that too is associated with higher poverty rates.

The money earned does not usually end up with residents, the parties insist. Much will disappear into the hands of anonymous shareholders of companies. This creates a huge imbalance between rich companies on the one hand and low-income people on the other. ‘

Previously used

The hope is that building social wealth will change that. The economic model was previously used in the American city of Cleveland and the English city of Preston. According to the parties, it has been successful.

For example, public money flowing back into the local economy in Preston has risen from 39 to 75 percent. This led to a lot of local employment.


GroenLinks, D66, PvdA and SP also want to see this happen in the Southeast. So they want to support municipal corporations, organizations and members of the community; Thus it is possible.

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