CNN poll: Biden leads Trump after controversial debate and President Govt’s diagnosis

Regardless of Biden’s national presence, the race for the White House will eventually come to a few swing states and yield results in the Electoral College. The former vice president takes the lead on many of those important battlefields, but by far narrower margins than his national interest. A referendum is not a prediction of how the election will change in the end, but rather a snapshot of the race as it stands.

Voters prefer Trump over many issues in the United States, including the corona virus outbreak (59% want Trump, 38% Trump), health care (59% to 39%), and racial inequality in the United States. (62% to 36%), petitions to the Supreme Court (57% to 41%) and Crime and Defense (55% to 43%). Who will handle the economy better (50% Biden, 48% Trump), just like where they were among the voters registered in the latest poll.

Biden’s prospects have also improved, with 52% of Americans now saying they have a positive view of the former vice president, compared to 39% who have a positive view of Trump.

Voters are well suited to consider Biden a candidate who cares about people like you (58% Biden) and an honest and trustworthy (58% Biden to 33% Trump) unite the country (61% Biden to 33% Trump). 38% for Trump), who has a clear plan to solve the country’s problems (55% to 39%) and protect Americans from harm (55% to 43%).

Although this is the first national CNN poll to report the results among potential voters, it shows that Biden has made significant gains in support among several major polling stations compared to the results of a poll conducted a month ago among registered voters.

Biden has expanded his margin on Trump among women, from 57% to 37% in September to 66% to 32% now. In that shift there are significant gains for Python among college-graduated white women and women of color. Among people of color in general, Biden’s benefit rose from 59% to 31% in September, from 69% to 27%. The former vice president made a profit last month among younger voters, moderates and independents.

It should be noted that these increases in support for Biden did not come with significant reductions in support for Trump. The president’s main supporters are in favor of him, if not. For example, among white men without college degrees, Trump’s support has risen from 61% in September to 67% now. But Trump does not appear to have made any gains among groups that need to attract his campaign to make up for Biden’s long-term presence.

Compared to the last national CNN poll, the discriminatory structure of this poll is slightly more democratic (33% of all adults now say they are Democrats, compared to 30% in early September) and less Republican (28% against GOP now). 27% in early September). Of those polled, 35% consider themselves Democrats and 30% Republican, compared to 33% and 30% in the previous CNN poll, respectively. When independents leaning to one party or another are added, the results show little movement, with 53% of registered voters now leaning toward Democrats or that way, and 43% to Republicans or leaning that way. In last month’s poll, those figures showed that 52% were Democrats and 42% were Republicans.

The changes in the poll are similar to those seen in the NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday, which was held after a presidential debate, but the president revealed it before the corona virus was detected.

The poll suggests that the debate may have helped raise the bar. Voters who say they saw last week’s debate often see Biden doing the best job (57%), while only 26% said Trump did the best, which is tantamount to a split. Immediate poll of CNN voters Night of discussion. Still, 14% report that the report is incorrect.

A majority of voters in the poll (64%) say Trump did not do enough to condemn the white supremacist groups, after being asked to do so in the debate, instead said the proud boys should “stand back”. Among people of color, 76% say Trump did not do enough to condemn such groups.

The most important issues for the electorate vary constantly with the voter’s presidential preference. Crime and security (51% most important among Trump supporters and 33% among Biden supporters) and the economy (48% of Trump supporters, 36% of Biden supporters) have more Trump supporters than Biden supporters. Their vote.

Among Biden’s supporters, 66% call the corona virus the most important against their vote. Among 21% of Trump supporters, 63% say racial ties are important, 16% of Trump voters, 58% think health care is important, and 25% of Trump supporters 51% say climate change is more important than 5% of Trump supporters.

One point of agreement emerges: half of Biden (53%) and Trump (48%) supporters call the Supreme Court recommendations the most important.

The survey found that a small majority of voters, 54% say they would like to cast their ballot on election day, 30% plan to vote by mail, and 14% say they will vote in person. Biden supporters continue to say that Trump supporters will vote before election day, with 41% of those planning to vote by mail and 19% saying they will vote early. Among Trump supporters, 76% say they will vote in person on election day.

Six out of 10 Americans say they believe the turnout in the presidential election will be accurate and counted, rising slightly since August. Registered voters who support Pita believe that the vote in the country will be accurately counted (75% now 65% in August), while the share of Trump supporters has softened some (50% to 44%).

While all Americans (86%) agree that the obligation to accept the presidency as soon as the results are certified (86%), Trump supporters are slightly lower than they were in August (78% now against 83%) (which was 94% among Biden supporters in both polls in August). Most do not expect Trump to accept the results (58%), while 71% say Biden will. Most of Trump’s supporters believe the president will agree (63%).

The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS from October 1 to 4 in a random national sample of 1,205 adults including 1,001 voters through a live interview on landlines or cell phones. Results for the whole sample have a margin of sample error of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points, which is plus or minus 3.6 points for results among voters.

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