CD Projekt explains the development of Sirius Reboot of the Witcher spin-off project | News

Development resumed at an early stage

Written by Michel Muster op

CD Projekt Red has shed some light on the reports surrounding the development of Project Sirius, an upcoming spin-off from the Witcher series.

Earlier this month, the developer reported that Project Sirius, one of the new The Witcher games in development, had been overhauled during development. The game, which is in development at the Molasses Flood in Boston, has been “reviewed” for its “scale and commercial potential”. Although specific details were not given, the company seemed to be incurring additional costs to finally bring the game to the level it wanted. The company seemed to hint that an earlier version of the game had been removed.

Addressing investors, CFO Piotr Nielubowicz clarified the situation. According to him, the project is “new for us in terms of design and format” and differs from the “big productions” the developer is known for. “To stay competitive, we need to look for new ways to expand our franchises. At the same time, we need to be able to evaluate our original concepts, even when development has already begun.”

According to Nielubowicz, it was a “difficult decision” to revise the development of Sirius, “but the right one”. The project was not in line with the philosophy of CD Projekt Red in its early days. Instead of continuing to incur costs for a game that didn’t quite suit the studio, it was decided to change course early in the development process.

In any case, little is known about the Sirius project. Last October, CD Projekt Red revealed that it had several The Witcher games in development, including a new trilogy, one that ended up being a remake of the first The Witcher, and Project Sirius, mentioned above.

It was later reported that the Sirius Project was to have “an innovative approach” and would “provide an unforgettable story for existing The Witcher fans and new audiences alike”. The game is said to be set in The Witcher universe, but is expected to appeal to a wider audience and contain both single-player and multiplayer elements.

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