Cabinet: Fewer ASML chip machines for China

Brabrand chip machine company ASML has been allowed to export low-end chip machines to China. Minister Liesje Schreinemacher (Foreign Trade) announced this in an exclusive interview with De Telegraaf. “This is a national security issue.”

After years of pressure from the US, the cabinet partially restricts exports of Dutch chip machines to China. Where the most recent chip machines are already allowed to go out of China, some older machines now require permission to export. ASML is the world’s largest chip machine manufacturer.

“We want to prevent Dutch equipment from being used for military applications,” says Schreinmaker. “We want to ensure that we maintain our technological leadership and reduce our strategic dependence on China.

The Cabinet took the decision after intensive consultation with the US, Japan – the world’s only manufacturer of chip machines – and Brussels. In January, the issue was still on the table when Prime Minister Rutte visited US President Biden at the White House.

Export restrictions should come into force before the summer. Schreinmacher wants other EU countries to adopt the Dutch policy: “I think it’s important to show that we are a group.”

ASML has publicly opposed stricter export restrictions. China is still the world’s most important chip maker. The government wants Europe to control chip production. “More chip factories need to be built in Europe,” says Schreinmaker.

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