Bus crashes off bridge in Brazil, killing at least 17 people (video) – RT World News

In Brazil, 12 people died on the spot when a bus fell from a bypass, and five died at the hospital. Police said the driver of the bus jumped out and fled.

The incident took place on Friday when a section of the PR-381 lane was stopped 100 kilometers east of Belo Horizonte in the municipality of Joao Mnez in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.

Spectators watched the wreckage of the bus at least 50 feet (15 meters) below the overpass.

Firefighters said local hospitals were overcrowded with casualties. Minas Gerais Civil Police said 11 people were killed on the spot and 29 were injured, three of whom were later wounded. By Friday evening, however, authorities had updated the death toll to 17.

While the cause of the crash is still being investigated, police said a brake failure is possible. The Brazilian daily Folha cited unconfirmed reports that the bus collided with a truck.

Federal Highway Police spokesman Aristides Amaral Jr. told reporters the driver jumped down from the bridge and fled on foot. The police are now looking for him.

Jono Monlevad is a community of about 80,000 residents in the interior of Brazil, about 500 kilometers north of Rio de Janeiro.

However, those on board were not locals. The bus was owned by a local company called Kalima Tourismo, and carried passengers from Mata Grant to Sao Paulo – about 2,300 kilometers – according to TV Globo.

The company operated under an emergency court order and the vehicle in question “Passenger transport service is not qualified to provide,” Brazilian transport company ANDT

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