Bill Gates on his remote work schedule during epidemics

“My life has completely changed since the epidemic began,” Bill Gates said in an episode of the new podcast.Ask Bill Gates and Rashida Jones big questions. “

One of the biggest changes? The billionaire philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft said he has not been to a physical office since March.

“I’m ashamed to admit, there are parts I like,” Gates said.

Prior to the outbreak, Gates spent most of his time traveling for business, speaking at conferences, raising money through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and “sitting in the office with colleagues,” he said.

Now, “This is a simple table.”

Like many, Gates now spends less time on the go. “If I drive somewhere, there is no traffic,” he said.

Although Gates said he generally prefers to go on business trips, he said that because they allow face-to-face meetings, the trip can be “thoughtful” as well as affect his reading time and quality of sleep.

(These days, Gates says, he’s often read about the epidemic: “My general nonsense reading is not so high.” And so was Gates before. Definitely about his sleep routine, Gets a full seven hours each night, and sleeps in the afternoon.)

Another privilege of being at home is spending time with children his age, Gates said. “I spend a lot of time with the kids in college, [and] Do not expect to be at home. ”

Gates has three children with his wife, Melinda: Jennifer, 24; Rory, 21, and Phoebe, 18.

“I don’t feel the uncertainty of young people trying to build their own plans and nurture their friends,” he said. (A recent study by the American Psychological Association found that General-Z adults were 18 to 23 years old Excessive stress During epidemics compared to other generations.)

Of course, Gates’ situation is unique: there are many without his resources Fights With demands for distance work, homeschooling children and being safe during an epidemic.

Thursday, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation An additional $ 70 million For global efforts to develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccines to low- and middle-income countries More than 350 million It supports the global response to Govt-19.

Check: Elon Musk said he tested positive and negative for Govit-19. You need to know about the different tests here

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