Batman crew working ‘around the clock’ to shoot between Govt without Robert Pattinson

The production team at The Batman ‘works around the clock’ without Robert Pattinson in self-isolation after testing positive for Covid-19.

The Hollywood actor, 34, is understood to be set with a temperature – he should stay away from filming for 14 days while he recovers and make sure he does not spread the deadly virus.

Amid fears it will cost $ 5 million to stop production for two weeks, the film’s director Matt Reeves is trying to film as much as he can at Warner Bros. Studios in Hertfordshire’s Leavenstown without his lead man.

EXCLUSIVE: Batman crews working around the clock to shoot without Robert Pattinson after testing positive for Covit-19 - amid fears it could cost $ 5 million to shut down production

EXCLUSIVE: Batman crews working around the clock to shoot without Robert Pattinson after testing positive for Covit-19 – amid fears it could cost $ 5 million to shut down production

None of the 130-member team that has no direct contact with Pattinson is asked to return to work, and the prepared sets are transferred from Studio G to another studio.

‘Anything unrelated to Pattinson and now will go forward,’ one set told Inner MailOnline.

‘That includes double shots of his body. The goal is to get as much done as possible before he returns, hoping that none of the other actors will get the virus.

‘Most of them are hired for freelance and filming period so the team can change, but it would be disastrous if another great actor gets the virus.

Stopped: The Hollywood actor, 34, is understood to be set with a temperature - he should stay away from filming for 14 days while recovering and make sure he does not spread the deadly virus

Stopped: The Hollywood actor, 34, is understood to be set with a temperature – he should stay away from filming for 14 days while recovering and make sure he does not spread the deadly virus

‘Production staff work around the clock to move things around and do some shooting.’

The MailOnline revealed how Batman was thrown into confusion after Pattinson tested positive for Govt 19.

He came to the studio and told the set nurse that he had a ‘high temperature’.

The next electronic temperature test, he was sent home and asked to do a test for the virus.

The result was a positive return on Thursday, with production halted immediately.

Without naming Pattinson, a Warner Bros. studio report said: ‘The Batman production member has tested positive for Covit-19 and is being isolated according to established protocols. Shooting has been suspended. ‘

One source said:

One source said: ‘Production staff work around the clock to move things and conduct some filming’

One source in the film confirmed to Vanity Fair that Pattinson was positive, while at the same time he had common sense among the team that led to the strike.

“We have been sent a memo that a member of the team has tested positive for Covit-19,” he told Inner MailOnline.

Everyone was talking about how high the temperature was when Robert Pattinson went to work. This was common knowledge among the group.

‘We don’t know if he was the person who tested positive, but we all guessed.

‘If it’s a member of the crew they can change and continue shooting. Only when the shooting stops completely do you know that this is one of the principals involved. ‘

As Pattinson is young and fit, he is expected to make a full recovery and resume filming, which only started this week after he closed in early March due to an infection.

Production: Filming for the new film 'The Batman' resumed just three days ago, closing in early March due to an epidemic

Production: Filming resumes for the new film ‘The Batman’, three days before it closed in early March due to an epidemic

One team member said: ‘Everyone was looking forward to coming back to work and production stopped three days after we started filming.

“We have all been told to stand down until further notice. We do not expect shooting for at least two weeks.”

The fact that the Batman movie was stopped by the corona virus is said to be a number of paradoxes as the killer virus is thought to have originated from bats.

“There’s a paradox to all of this, in which you would think Batman would be immune because he started everything from bats,” said the insider.

The production team met at studios in Livingston, Hertfordshire in August, most of which worked on sets after being placed in Furlow.

Reeves is finishing three more months of filming with the eagerly anticipated film set to be released in theaters in October 2021.

Unrecognizable: Irish star Colin Farrell plays the penguin and his prosthetic makeup is so realistic that other actors don't recognize the actor when he sets up

Unrecognizable: Irish star Colin Farrell plays the penguin and his prosthetic makeup is so realistic that other actors don’t recognize the actor when he sets up

Filming is taking place at Liveston, where Harry Potter films are produced, titled Vengeance.

The shutdown could cost Warner Bros. hundreds of thousands of pounds and delay the release of the film, which is said to be an excellent example of a Marvel comic book hero.

When production stopped in March, Robert had to stay in the UK with other actors.

Others living in Los Angeles have returned, but had to remain in isolation for two weeks before starting the package, according to government guidelines.

A spokesman for Lewston and Robert Pattinson has been contacted for comment online.

After Ben Affleck left to make his ninth film starring Batman, Pattinson, best known for his roles in Twilight films, accepted the role of Cape Crusader last year.

Irish star Colin Farrell plays the penguin and his prosthetic makeup is so realistic that other actors don’t recognize him when he is an actor.

Jeffrey Wright, who plays Commissioner Gordon, said on The Jess Goggle Show: ‘I’ve worked with that makeup artist before, and it’s incredible.

‘Colin walked in to set up one day and I passed him [laughs] I said, “Okay, hey dude what’s going on, where’s Colin? Are we going to shoot?” This is very significant. ‘

The change was revealed in the teaser trailer released by director Reeves at a fan show in the US last week.

The new movie Batman stars Paul Dano with The Riddler against his regular rivals.

Joe Gravitz plays the catwoman, while John Turturo portrays crime boss Carmine Falcon.

Lead: Robert, best known for his roles in the Twilight Saga films, took on the role of Capt. Crusader last year after Ben Affleck left.

Lead: Robert, best known for his roles in the Twilight Saga films, took on the role of Capt. Crusader last year after Ben Affleck left.

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