Phil Schwartz

"Food expert. Unapologetic bacon maven. Beer enthusiast. Pop cultureaholic. General travel scholar. Total internet buff."

CDA: “No place for personal interest and personal enrichment” | 1Limburg

CDA: "No place for personal interest and personal enrichment" |  1Limburg

CDA Limburg congratulates former Commissioners Ger Koopmans and Hubert Mackus for their “difficult but courageous decision” to resign and at the same time remain available for ongoing investigations. “They take their administrative responsibility for what they did not supervise and what happened under their administration. It is pure constitutional law,” the regional branch wrote in a statement signed by President …

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Temporary houses in Eindhoven offer room for innovation

Temporary houses in Eindhoven offer room for innovation

“This project, Buurtschap te Veld, is the result of Woondeal 2019,” says Stefanie Gijsbers from the municipality of Eindhoven. “In this we have included that in addition to permanent houses, we also build temporary houses. Because temporary homes are modular, they can be built quickly. And by using the Crisis and Recovery Act, decision making is much faster than usual. …

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The food bank will have its own space on the Eagle Shelter site

The food bank will have its own space on the Eagle Shelter site

Photo: Flickr The food bank will have its own building on the Eagle Shelter grounds in the sports area. This solves the food bank housing problem. Alderman Eline van Boxtel was proud to announce the good news to the city council on Thursday. “I am extremely happy that our efforts have yielded concrete results. On Monday, Eagle Shelter, Casade, the …

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Webinar pleads for central control in climate approach

Webinar pleads for central control in climate approach

The biologist and professor of evolutionary ecology Louise Vet will be the new Minister of Public Space. At least, if it depends on the participants of the webinar hosted by IPC Groene Ruimte, NL Greenlabel and Stichting Steenbreek. According to the participants, Fat is the best person to take central control in the fight against the climate problem. The webinar …

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“Eagle Shark” floated in the oceans 93 million years ago

"Eagle Shark" floated in the oceans 93 million years ago

Yet researchers are convinced that Aquilolamna milarcae moved slowly. “It can be compared to a glider kite, not at all suitable for swimming fast and chasing prey,” said Vullo. In addition to its slow movement, its large, short head and the fact that no teeth were found in its jaw, indicate that the eagle shark may have fed on plankton …

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Satellite collects ‘space debris’ with magnet

Satellite collects 'space debris' with magnet

A new satellite will collect space debris with a magnet for the first time. It is a test mission to determine if the satellite is a solution for the large amount of space debris. In recent years, an increasing number of objects have been thrown into space. It also greatly increases the risk of a major collision in the hold …

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Is Women’s Football in the Netherlands About to Really Take Off?

Source: Unsplash For a country that is forward-thinking in so many areas, the Netherlands has not always been such a leader when it comes to women’s involvement in sport. But, at a time when greater equality is gradually being achieved in many activities, it could now be about to start catching up. Other examples of sports already leading the way …

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Airbus commits to a global concept of sustainable aircraft construction

Airbus commits to a global concept of sustainable aircraft construction

The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus wants a global concept for the aircraft construction of the future. The objective of this “green operation for the aviation of the future” is the development of hydrogen systems and fuel cell technologies for the aircraft of the future. The necessary infrastructure must also be designed. A first site that can be developed as such …

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Dtv Nieuws – Municipality of Den Bosch wants new agreements for parking

Dtv Nieuws - Municipality of Den Bosch wants new agreements for parking

The Municipality of Den Bosch is studying the need for more parking spaces in and around the city center for new construction and renovation projects. In addition, the municipality wishes to encourage the use of bicycles and shared cars to avoid parking nuisances. Strong demand for more housing also means more demand for parking spaces, but the municipality also considers …

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