ANF ​​Study of Turkish Drone Strikes in Northeast Syria

A step Report Covering the period from September 2021 to June 2022, the London-based Conflict Armaments Research (CAR), a Dutch company, found that equipment manufactured by the Dutch company was misused by Turkey for military purposes in Syria.

Investigations into Turkish missiles include electromagnetic brakes and switches manufactured by companies in the US, China and Europe. Major parts came from member states of the European Union.

Electromagnetic brakes were used in ambulances in the CAR study, but were used militarily in Turkish operations in the autonomous region of northern and eastern Syria.

According to CAR, some of the critical components examined in the investigation are sustainable products subject to existing export controls. Also, while examining 17 air-to-air missiles, the team found that all the missiles used in Turkey’s military operation in Syria belonged to the Turkish-made MAM series.

Although European export control authorities have informed CAR that the current regulations do not apply to the purchases, the Dutch parts maker has confirmed that it will no longer do business with Turkish carmaker FEMSAN, which handled the imports.

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