Amnesty report: Western countries apply “double standards” in the field of human rights | Abroad

Western countries apply double standards and fail to respond adequately to human rights abuses, which fosters impunity and instability. This is the conclusion of the human rights organization Amnesty International in its new annual report published on Tuesday. “The international system for managing global crises is failing,” the review read.

The human rights organization acknowledges that Western countries reacted quickly to the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year, but regrets that these same countries “turned a blind eye or were complicit in serious violations elsewhere in the world”. Amnesty denounces, among other things, “the deafening silence on the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia, the passivity towards Egypt and the refusal to attack the Israeli system of apartheid against the Palestinians”.

These ‘double standards’ allow countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and China to ‘escape and ignore criticism of their human rights record’, the rights organization concludes. of man. “Reactions to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have shown what can be done when the political will is there,” said Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International. “This response should be a model to fight against all serious human rights violations.”

Womens rights

In its report, Amnesty International also draws attention to the global crackdown on dissidents in 2022, including in Russia, Afghanistan and Iran. She also points out that oppression and human rights violations often come at the expense of women’s rights. Amnesty mentions, among other things, the situation in Afghanistan and Iran, but also denounces the American and Polish policy on abortion.

Amnesty also advocates the strengthening of international institutions that protect human rights and calls for reform of the United Nations Security Council. We cannot allow permanent members who continue to use their right of veto and abuse their privileged position. The lack of transparency and efficiency in Security Council decision-making leaves the whole system open to manipulation, abuse and dysfunction,” Callamard said.

The report concludes by highlighting some promising events for 2022. “We have witnessed iconic acts of resistance, including Afghan women marching against the Taliban regime and Iranian women going public without veils or cutting their hair in protest against compulsory laws on the wearing of the veil”. said Callamard. “Millions of people who have been systematically oppressed by patriarchy and racism have taken to the streets to demand a better future.”

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