Americans arouse disgust over huge embassy in Lebanon

The new U.S. Embassy in Lebanon will soon be the second largest embassy in the world. A lot of Lebanese don’t like that.

Isabelle Bolle

The tops of the hills and mountains of Lebanon are littered with them: ancient castles, once built by the rulers of the past. It is the legacy of the Fatimids, Crusaders and Mamluks, sometimes preserved in good condition, sometimes just a pile of stones.

It looks like the country will soon have another hill fort, as it turned out last week, one where tourists are less likely to enter: the new US Embassy compound. The building will be located just outside the Lebanese capital, Beirut. Last week, the embassy team proudly tweeted photos of construction work, which began in 2017. But instead of happy reactions, the post – which has already been viewed more than two million times – caused a small argument.

The size of the embassy building in particular arouses consternation. It had been known for some time that the complex would cover a total of more than 17 hectares, which would make it the largest embassy in the world after the United States Embassy in Baghdad (42 hectares), but the photos make many realize Lebanese how huge this is. is is. The cost of construction is estimated at $1 billion. “Is the United States heading for Lebanon? remarks someone in a mocking tone.