Amazon officially cancels ‘Crucible’ this November

(Image: Amazon)

Amazon has officially stopped working The cross, Its multiplayer action game to play for free.

Developer Relentless Studios One for the official Crucible website Report Entitled “Final Crucible Developer Update”.

After much discussion, the panel finally came to the conclusion that “there is no healthy, sustainable future ahead of Crucible.”

Instead of continuing to work on Crucible, the development team will focus on Amazon’s MMO New world. There are additional topics that the team has planned to move forward with.

For players in the closed beta that Crucible modified earlier this year, this game will still be playable for some time to come. In fact, the developers will be working on the “Final PlayStation and Community Celebration” over the next few weeks. Playstest doesn’t have a date yet in mind, so if you want to get as many crucibles as you can now, you’ll want to sign up as soon as you can by November. Custom games will be available until 3pm on November 9th.

Players can now get a full refund or claim some important related purchases they have made. In-game purchases are also disabled. Amazon has released the official instructions for withdrawing money on its official crucible page.

Crucible has been plagued by various issues since its initial announcement in 2016. It finally underwent a variety of changes Introduction to steam Earlier in May 2020. However, it lacks many of the features that were initially advertised, such as ways to integrate it with the streaming platform Twitch.

Amazon will focus resources on the aforementioned New World and cloud gaming services Luna, which will go to PC, Mac, iPhone and Android in the future – with no confirmed date yet.

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