A force shook the recommendations and the assembly

[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for Big Brother 22.]

Before the sixth home game Brother 22, House guests competed for three powers. Danny Donato Bryans The next HOH became a force that threw out her recommendations as her goal was to save herself. Because of his close relationship with almost everyone at home, he made waves with his alternative candidate.

Depending on how the rest of the week goes, Danny may go from a comfortable position at home to a worse position as there are remaining forces in the game.

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Three house guests won a power in the BB basement

For the first three weeks Big Brother 22: All-Stars, Returning home guests had the opportunity to save themselves and someone else if they won the safety suite contest.

When it was over, they faced a PP basement turn in which they competed in complete darkness for three distinct forces. David Alexander won the Distress Power, which allowed him to save anyone, including him, from initial recommendations.

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Danny Donato Bryons, described by her as “junk”, demanded rejuvenation power, which allows her to choose the outgoing head of state to take part in the following HOH competition.

Holds Christmas Abbott Blogger, which prevents him from becoming a post-veto candidate.

David Alexander used his Destroyer Power

After hanging on the infamous wall for almost two hours, Danny became the next HOH. He recommended the only two house guests who were not loyal to Kevin Campbell and David Alexander.

Although Pp21 The first starter pretended to cry and grieve, and after a few hours saved himself by his power. Reluctant to go after Davon Rogers or Ian Terry, HOH nominated Danny partner Tyler Crispon.

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David, who wanted to confuse the house, lied about it, insisting that someone else had played it on him as part of a bigger plan. Some more house guests got angry with David for playing dumb. Memphis Garrett said he wanted to “intimidate” the truth Pp21 Returned.

Cody Calafior and Tyler were later found guilty of lying about him to murderer O.J. Simpson compared that to the deaths of his ex-wife and his friend. Although the majority alliance continued to be debated, David won his first match only against his allies Kevin and Devon.

The power of David Alexander has shaken the house

To members of the group, including Christmas Abbott and Memphis, it is not clear why Danny would recommend a partner instead of a foreigner. They also hope that HOH may still have it for Tyler, as he made a deal not to target each other until the final six hours before he was recommended to Tyler.

Later, Dawn won his first match, Power of Vetto, and wants to save Kevin. However, she knows that it will put Danny, who considers someone Dawon as a partner, in a difficult place, forcing the HOH to name a fourth person.

In addition, Tony does not know who to nominate because he fears that his allies will turn him away if he chooses another team member. She did not want to target Enzo Palambo or Ian.

Related: ‘Big Brother 22’: David Alexander lies to O.J. The sadness of millions of Calafior fans compared to Simpson

If Dawn uses POV, Danny will recommend a soldier and send Tyler to the Jury House. There is also the situation where HOH chooses Christmas as a soldier, but she uses her deterrent power, forcing Danny to name a fifth person.

If that happens, The Pp8 Second place goes to Enzo. Then, Danny will have to use his resilience to play in the next HOH match because there may be too many house guests targeting her.

Big Brother 22: All-Stars EST airs on CBS on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8pm.

Follow Tamara Grant Twitter.

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