More than 200 Cultuurfonds scholarships for talented students

Named cultural funds

Three quarters of the scholarships in 2022 will come from the CultuurFondsen in Naam, which is managed and spent by Prince Bernhard Cultuurfonds. These are funds from enthusiastic private donors who support their own goals through the Cultuurfonds, in this case a grant for young talents.

112 science fairs

Of the 202 scholarships, 112 go to students for scientific studies or research abroad. Popular fields of study in science are medicine, public administration, and law.

The United States is the favorite of most students. But countries closer to home are gaining popularity. In the Visual Arts category, many students opt for courses in Belgium and Germany.

Since 2002, we have granted Cultuurfonds scholarships to more than 2000 students.

Other directions

38 scholarships were awarded for Music, both for studies and for the purchase of instruments.

In the field of visual arts, 43 grants were awarded for continuing education, including eleven for a residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten.

Nine scholarships were awarded in the Theatre, Dance and Film category. In this last category, for example, we were able to award a scholarship to a student who will follow the master’s degree in animation production at the National School of Cinema and Television. This student creates imaginative stories about personal and social issues, about responsibility, dealing with trauma, and finding connection with yourself and others.

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