Years and Renée back from the ice hockey world championships in South Africa: without bruises but with a gold medal (Wijnegem)

John Auman

And we who thought that we could only play ice hockey, a fairly tough sport, with our mind at 0. We have two examples that prove the opposite. Renée De Wolf is on her way to becoming a doctor of chemistry at the University of Antwerp with her research on battery efficiency.

In recent years, Ans has been allowed by the Sint-Michiels College, where she studies economics-mathematics, to be absent from school for a few days, when she could go abroad again with the ‘National team. The points in his report look just as good as the stats on his ice hockey coaches’ laptops.

Years with her mum and staunchest supporter Tina Moons, also founder of the U18 women’s national team.© rr


“Mom (Tina Moons) has always played ice hockey at a decent level. She was also a regular draft for the national team back then,” says Ans, who is known as a reliable defender. There are currently (yet) no clubs in Antwerp that allow girls to play. That’s why I joined the Herentals Ice Hockey Club. I play with boys and ladies.

“I can hold my own and so far I’ve been spared serious injury. I once dislocated both shoulders but that was after a stupid fall during a one-on-one (blow sending).

Checks prohibited

Renée’s body also bears no trace of this physical sport, which became her great passion after football, taekwondo and rock climbing. “Checking is prohibited in women’s ice hockey,” the ice-calm center said in a statement. “Of course, I go there 100% and sometimes I get a scratch. But I can handle that. That’s also one of the reasons why I recently started a volunteer training at the fire brigade in Schoten. J hope to be able to help out there soon.

The adventure in South Africa, where Ans, Renée and company successively engulfed Croatia, Australia, New Zealand and the host country, was not the first triumph of the Belgian Blades. They have been steadily climbing the world ice hockey hierarchy for several years now. Russia, Canada and the United States, especially the Scandinavian and Eastern European countries, are still leading in this area.

Center Renée De Wolf at work in her Belgian Blades team, here against Australia.© AXN Photos

Latvia and Iceland

“Next year we can play at a higher level with the Belgian team,” says Ans, whose performance is also closely monitored at Sint-Michielscollege. “Then top players such as Iceland, Latvia, Mexico and Chinese Taipei are waiting. Getting gold again and for the third time in a row is unlikely. Above all, we hope to be able to persevere and learn more.

What if sporty girls celebrated in Cape Town? “Of course. By dancing in our hotel and jumping in the swimming pool. It was 25 degrees there”, testifies Renée, who is now expected soon in their UA lab by professors Tom Breugelmans and Jonas Hereijgers. But the Cold Play Lady Sharks of Mechelen, the club where Renée plays in competition in Germany, can also continue to count on her.(Yes)

Boys and girls who want to learn to play ice hockey in the wake of Ans and Renée can visit this site:

Ans Van Hoof defuses another attack from the opponents.© AXN Photos

Ans, Renée and the other Belgian Blades after winning the world title in Group 2B on the ice of South Africa© AXN Photos

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