Why you don’t have to be afraid of those German speed cameras | Car

Many motorists in Germany are inclined to press the brakes when they see a blue speed camera. But the fear of a speeding fine with these poles is unfounded.

In Germany, they are increasingly found along country roads: tall blue columns with several small mirrors, some of which are red. Despite their striking color, drivers often mistake them for speed cameras. Some people brake suddenly for fear of a fine and cause rear-end collisions.

Trucks on grain

But the fear is unfounded. The blue pillars are not speed cameras and the drivers are not targets. Instead, they are there only to control the toll on the trucks. Since July 1, 2018, this toll for trucks over 7.5 tonnes no longer applies only to motorways, but also to national roads.

The blue bollards check whether the toll has been paid correctly. The striking color palette was deliberately chosen by operator Toll Collect to avoid confusion with other flashes. In any case, there is still a risk of confusion in parts of northern Germany, because blue strobes are still used there.

Toll Collect

The blue posts are equipped with quite a few cameras because the passage of trucks is recorded from three angles. However, cars are completely ignored by speed cameras, explains Toll Collect. “Depending on the size and number of axles, the poles ‘see’ which vehicles are not subject to the toll, like normal cars,” West Hesse police pointed out in a Facebook post.

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