The most interesting part of the question is why people choose to go to Venus. The answer to this question is that this planet – just like Mars – is very similar to Earth.
Another advantage: Venus is much closer than Mars. A return ticket to Venus should not take a year. A trip to Mars and back takes about three years.
Venus is slightly smaller than Earth and also has a solid rock surface. The planet can teach scientists a lot about the origin of our solar system, life on Earth and also the universe.
But there is a problem: the pressure on Venus is 90 times higher than on Earth. And the temperature on the surface of Venus is between 460 and 475 degrees. This makes Venus the hottest planet in our solar system. This high temperature is caused by an extreme greenhouse effect. The atmosphere of Venus consists mainly of carbon dioxide (CO2).
An important reason to investigate Venus is that astronomers want to know why Venus is such a hellish place right now. It is believed that the planet was once habitable. This knowledge could also help astronomers determine how many exoplanets (planets orbiting a star other than our sun) are habitable.
Pressure and temperature make the planet a “pressure cooker”
Research on Venus is very difficult. When a space probe lands on the surface of Venus, it is in a kind of pressure cooker. Due to the high pressure and temperature, space probes have not lasted more than two hours on Venus so far.
Venus is closer to the sun than Earth and outside the zone where scientists think life is possible. Earth and Mars are in the so-called “habitable zone”.
It is possible that one day a life form capable of surviving in the extreme conditions of Venus will be discovered. In this case, the definition of the “habitable zone” must be adapted. For this reason too, research on Venus is valuable to science.
NASA wants to visit Venus ten times in the coming years
NASA has planned ten missions to Venus in the coming years. The intention is to do research with satellites, with balloons in the atmosphere, with Venuslanders and with a rover. In 2039, NASA even wants to make a manned flight to Venus.
The robotic balloon that recently landed in the desert of the US state of Nevada testedis being developed for a Venus mission in 2029. Successful testing of this so-called “aerobot” increases the chances that this mission will go ahead.
Mars seems suitable for a permanently inhabited base
In addition to all the planned space missions to Venus, there is also an extensive space program. So the answer to the second part of the question about NUjij is that the missions to Venus and Mars are separate from each other. Knowledge is acquired in two places at the same time.
Mars is particularly attractive for space travel because the conditions on the planet are relatively mild. This makes it possible to build a permanently inhabited base on the planet. It seems impossible on Venus.
13 okt 2022 om 17:46
Venusmissie stapje dichterbij na succesvolle test met robotballon
22 jun 2021 om 14:01
NASA werkt aan ballon die bevingen op Venus moet waarnemen