The electric car could have helped here
(Photo: General Motors)
General Motors and Netflix announce that the electric car will now get a nice supporting role in various films and series. And no, don’t worry: you won’t see them in the new episodes of Bridgerton. But when there is room, we will see the car driving prominently in the photo.
It’s a gigantic product placementOK. General Motors is one of the biggest automakers in the United States, so this should make a lot of money for Netflix. It just comes at the right time. Because not only the number of subscribers decreases, but the company also struggles to generate profits.
The electric car gets a nice supporting role
The deal was done with the streaming service as a whole. It is therefore not true that it applies to specific films or series. But the electric car only comes into play when it makes sense. So we don’t see it during stranger things. But if you’re kidnapped, it doesn’t have to happen in a gas-guzzling car.
That’s the message first-rate motherfucker Will Ferrell delivers in the video above to Youtube. You can also get bitten by a zombie while driving an electric car, for example. The possibilities are endless, but not limitless. This is also part of the message.
It’s all about the money
We’re joking now. And General Motors has also packaged the message very well, in collaboration with Netflix. But in the end, it all comes down to one thing: money. The video above is therefore an advertisement in which the ad is well explained.
The commercial first aired during the Super Bowl. It is also the second time that Ferrell has starred in an advertisement for an electric car manufacturer. In 2021, he did the same, then he compared the sales of these cars in the United States with the sales in Norway. And he was there not to talk about…
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Why you come across an electric car more and more on Netflix