US regulator: These are always safe elections

Trump’s campaign team has already filed some lawsuits because those who wanted to keep an eye on the vote count could not do so. Many of those cases have been dismissed by the courts for lack of evidence.

The president refuses to acknowledge his loss and is backed by a number of Republicans, including high-ranking officials. However, a key Trump ally, Senator Lindsay Graham, has called for daily presidential presentations to newly elected President Joe Biden.


In an interview with CBS, former President Obama called Trump’s tactics “dangerous.” “He is not only damaging the incoming Biden government, he is also damaging democracy in general.”

Obama said he was concerned that many Republican politicians were backing Trump’s allegations.

Twitter announced last night that about 300,000 news items about the election had been issued a warning label for containing false or incomplete information; That’s 0.2 percent of tweets about elections. Additional action was taken on 456 messages such as retweeting and disabling likes.

Of the stampede tweets, 16 are from the 43 Trumpes sent after the election.

Arizona permanently to Python

It was clear last night that the state of Arizona was also going to benefit for Fiden. Other US media outlets now support the prediction that the AP news agency has already dared on election night. The AP (which is used by NOS) and Fox News had already given eleven voters in the state to the Democrats, but media outlets such as CNN and Reuters now dared not do so.

According to the latest score, Biden leads with 11,434. No one expected President Trump to catch it anymore. This brings the BJP to 290 electoral votes. An additional sixteen may be added if a decision is not changed in Georgia. Trump still has a chance to write the state of North Carolina to his name.

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