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The Reimerswaal coalition is still there: a controversial passage on gender remains there

The Reimerswaal coalition is still there: a controversial passage on gender remains there

SGP will have two full-time aldermen, for LR there will be one full-time alderman and one part-time alderman. The passage on gender diversity and neutrality also remains in the new agreement: “All our employees and residents can count on equal treatment, regardless of their origin and social status. We treat diversity with respect. There are also differences between men and …

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Prince Charles winks at Republican sentiment in Commonwealth speech

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Kigali

The Commonwealth is a 54-member club originating from the British Empire. The Queen is the head of state of 15 of its members, including the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Jamaica, Belize, Bahamas and Papua New Guinea. Addressing the opening ceremony of a Commonwealth leaders’ summit in Rwanda, Charles said that “we meet and talk as equals” and that …

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you need so much money for a happy old age

you need so much money for a happy old age

PA Even if you’re only twenty, maybe thirty or forty, we all think about it from time to time: how much money would I need to be able to retire? Pension Specialist Audley Villages do a study how much money you would need for “happy retirement”. Of course, it depends on where in the world you live. In one country, …

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India finish third after USA win

India finish third after USA win

India closed their first season in the Pro League with a third place finish behind winners Argentina and the Netherlands. National coach Janneke Schopman’s side were expected to score at least two points in Wednesday’s second game against the United States. It eventually became three after the 4-0 win in Rotterdam. Like the day before, India was the mother. But …

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That’s why we have to reduce nitrogen emissions, also in Zeeland

Stikstofbeleid natuur landbouw

The problem is not nitrogen (N2) itself. The air we breathe in and out is made up of about 80% of this colorless, odorless gas. The problem lies in the nitrogen compounds: nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) and ammonia (NH3). Nitrogen oxides are formed during combustion at high temperatures. So, for example, if you light a gas burner, nitrogen oxide …

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Unwelcome letter to Minister Van der Wal: “I am very angry about this”

Unwelcome letter to Minister Van der Wal: "I am very angry about this"

Mayor Mulder was in a committee meeting when the letter was released. He indicates that the dike around the Hedwigepolder can simply be dug. According to the Minister, the pollution remains within the standards. The publication came as a surprise to Mulder. “Suddenly one of the committee members said: I have news. Of course, that’s not how it should be. …

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President Santokhi calls on International Yoga Day to make a meaningful difference

President Santokhi calls on International Yoga Day to make a meaningful difference

“Let us strive to make a meaningful difference by embracing these traditional ways and building healthier bodies and souls for the benefit of our countries and peoples. This is the call of President Chandrikapersad Santokhi during the celebration of the International Day of Yoga. Today, the Head of State and First Lady Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry, along with other cabinet members, actively …

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Blue light snails appear in New Zealand skies, experts point to SpaceX launch

Blue light snails appear in New Zealand skies, experts point to SpaceX launch

The blue spiral appeared in the night sky over New Zealand on Sunday. New Zealand astronomers were startled by strange, undulating light formations in the night sky on Sunday evening. The images have been widely shared on social media, with many New Zealanders comparing them to a kind of “wormhole”. But experts said the “strange clouds” were caused by the …

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