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Sen. Mike Lee: I hope and expect Amy Connie Barrett to be Trump’s SCOTUS candidate

Sen.  Mike Lee: I hope and expect Amy Connie Barrett to be Trump's SCOTUS candidate

It should be President Trump’s choice to replace Judge Amy Connie Barrett late Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Member of the Senate Judiciary Mike Lee, R-Utah, “Story“Tuesday. “I look forward to seeing Amy Connie Barrett elected by the President. I wholeheartedly support that appointment,” Lee told host Martha McCullum. AMY CONEY BARRETT is not ‘optional’ outside the primary: BRIT …

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Romney supports voting for the Supreme Court candidate, paving the way for Trump

Romney supports voting for the Supreme Court candidate, paving the way for Trump

“My liberal friends have been very accustomed to the idea of ​​wanting a liberal court for decades, but it is not written in the stars,” the Utah Republican told reporters after the decision. He called it “appropriate for a nation … to have a court that reflects the center-right view of the center.” His criticisms of Trump during the indictment …

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European stocks rise after three months of worst drinking amid second-wave COVID-19 wave concerns

European stocks rise after three months of worst drinking amid second-wave COVID-19 wave concerns

People enjoy a drink outside a pub in Camden, central London on September 13, 2020. Justin Dollis / Agencies France-Press / Getty Images European stocks rose on Tuesday after more than three months of poor one-day performance as the continent faced tougher economic restrictions due to rising cases of the corona virus. After a 3.2% nosebleed on Monday, Stokes Europe …

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Lago’s role in Florida will be a big factor in Trump’s Supreme Court election

Lago's role in Florida will be a big factor in Trump's Supreme Court election

However, some in the political arena are concerned that Judge Lagova does not have a record of any abortion cases. Leading anti-abortion activists say they support Judge Lagova’s appointment, but they support the judge Amy Connie Barrett 1973 Roy v. Due to the clear record of Wade, the decision to establish the constitutional right to abortion. They are concerned that …

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Ellen DeGeneres addresses toxic workplace allegations in season premiere

Ellen DeGeneres addresses toxic workplace allegations in season premiere

DeGeneres, who mockingly called his summer “the best,” apologized to anyone who had been negatively affected. Works in his staff. “You may have heard, there were allegations that there was a toxic work environment on our show this summer, and then there was an investigation. I knew things happened that should never have happened here. I take it very seriously, …

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Pelosi confuses some people during an interview about the SCOTUS fight

Pelosi confuses some people during an interview about the SCOTUS fight

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Some viewers scratched their heads after what appeared to be a brief communication issue during a Sunday morning news program. During an interview with ABC News “This Week”, Pelosi, de-Khalif, was asked if he and the House Democrats would go on trial. President Trump In an attempt to stop his America Supreme Court Following …

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Biden Bank has $ 6,466 million, and a large financial tip on Trump

Biden Bank has $ 6,466 million, and a large financial tip on Trump

Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s campaign entered the bank on Sunday with $ 466 million in September. President Trump’s campaign gave Fiden about $ 141 million in financial benefits rather than going to extreme lengths. Mr. There has been a complete reversal of the cash margin since this spring, when Biden emerged as the Democratic nominee. 7 187 million behind Mr. …

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Live Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Supreme Court Updates

Live Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Supreme Court Updates

Ms. Murkowski’s comments did not mention how she felt about a referendum on justice in the weeks after the November election, when Congress could still vote on both legislation and recommendations, known as the “lame duck session”. Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins said on Saturday that a candidate should not vote before the Senate election, but the winner of the …

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Trump’s Supreme Court could be Amy Connie Barrett or Barbara Lago: Reports

Trump's Supreme Court could be Amy Connie Barrett or Barbara Lago: Reports

Two names have emerged from the list of Supreme Court contestants President Trump The death of justice is said to be under constant consideration Ruth Bader Ginsburg, According to reports. Judges Amy Connie Barrett Chicago and Barbara Logo Atlanta is said to top the list. Trump told a North Carolina rally on Saturday night that he intended to nominate a …

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Kovit: A fine of £ 10,000 for violations of self-isolation

Kovit: A fine of £ 10,000 for violations of self-isolation

Image copyright B.A. Media The government says those in the UK who refuse a self-isolation order could face fines of up to $ 10,000. The new legal obligation requires people to be isolated from September 28 if they are tested positive for the corona virus or found to be closely related. The new measures include a $ 500 support for …

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