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Contracts for players and free food

Contracts for players and free food

© Charles Kiruba / A.P. On this Veterans Day, many restaurants and businesses offer free and discounted experiences for veterans and active military members. Veterans Day This year will be celebrated a little differently, but there are still freebies and contracts for U.S. soldiers and active members of the military. Due to the epidemic, many of these deals in restaurants …

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Note: Biden withdraws from Trump’s dangerous post-election game

Note: Biden withdraws from Trump's dangerous post-election game

Take with you Rick Klein To resurrect an infamous debate, take the president Donald Trump It really means that the President believes in this dangerous moment Election Fraud was committed against him; That He believes he received more legitimate votes Than his enemy; He believes the vote count in the war-torn states is flawed and rife with corruption; Election officials …

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Upon admission to the hospital, El Paso arrives at the new mobile morgue

Upon admission to the hospital, El Paso arrives at the new mobile morgue

EL PASO – Corona virus patients fill a terrace bed. And then two. Later, the University Medical Center, a teaching hospital in El Paso, set up tents in the parking lot to care for patients. A city convention center became a field hospital. To free up even more space, the government began transporting dozens of intensive care patients by air …

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Biden says ‘this is an embarrassment’ that Trump will not accept change

Biden says ‘this is an embarrassment’ that Trump will not accept change

WASHINGTON – President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the Trump administration’s refusal to recognize the start of the official transition process “will not change the dynamics of what we can do.” “We have already begun to change, and we are doing well,” Biden told a news conference in Wilmington, Delaware. When asked what he thinks of President Donald Trump’s refusal …

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Biden shifts barrels forward when the Trump administration stops

Biden shifts barrels forward when the Trump administration stops

Several State Republican Attorneys Public Plan to Support the Pennsylvania State GOP’s Appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court Against extending the deadline One case in which the Trump campaign also intervened was to get postal votes up to three days before election day. Postal votes in Keystone State came mainly from Democrats, and the GOP appeal appears to disqualify some …

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Brazil has the most expensive iPhone 12 in the world so far, at least for now

Brazil has the most expensive iPhone 12 in the world so far, at least for now

The iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12 Pro went up to the Max Pre-order last FridayThe company has announced that the full range of 2020 iPhones will arrive in several countries, including Brazil, on November 20th. While this may seem irrelevant, Brazil will once again have the most expensive iPhone in the world – but may lose first place in …

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The two Georgia races will decide which party controls the Senate

The two Georgia races will decide which party controls the Senate

WASHINGTON – Georgia is becoming Center Politics The universe. Control The Senate is likely to come to the Georgia run on Jan. 5, and voters may be asked to determine both Republican sentiments. David Bertue and Kelly Lofler will continue to work in the upstairs room. Rafael Warnock, a Lofler Democrat, will face a challenge after the two emerge from …

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In the new ad, Republicans captured Schumacher’s idea of ​​’take Georgia’

In the new ad, Republicans captured Schumacher's idea of ​​'take Georgia'

“Now we take Georgia and then change the world,” Sen told a small crowd in New York celebrating Joe Biden’s election victory. Republicans have captured Chuck Schumer’s comments on Saturday. Within hours, the National Republican Senatorial Committee took the views of the Senate minority leader and turned the state of Beach into an Atlanta Journal-Constitution-advertising ad calling the state “the …

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Sending Trump campaign planning message to fuel election questions

Sending Trump campaign planning message to fuel election questions

Two sources suggest that one of the ways it is planned to do so is to show the condolences of the people who allegedly voted in the election and to have campaign-style rallies to spread the word. The goal of these efforts is to raise enough doubts about the results that state secretaries on the battlefield feel they are being …

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