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Optimism after the first (indirect) talks between the United States and Iran on a nuclear deal

Optimism after the first (indirect) talks between the United States and Iran on a nuclear deal

Representatives from the EU, Russia and Iran, among others, are meeting in Vienna on Tuesday. Representatives of the Biden government are also joining Vienna to discuss, indirectly, the nuclear deal with Iran.AFP Image The head of the Iranian negotiating delegation Abbas Araqchi said after the initial talks in Vienna that they had been “constructive”. He said discussions would continue on …

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Local residents are allowed to keep the ice rink open for the rest of the year

Local residents are allowed to keep the ice rink open for the rest of the year

All of this became clear earlier this evening at the meeting of the Council’s Committee on Land Use Planning. “After eleven years, it is finally recognized that the ice rink is not in the right place and that a solution must finally be found for local residents and skaters,” said Marco van Flierenburg from Buurtgroep Prettig Wonen. “If there is …

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US works on additional taxes for six countries after digital tax is introduced

US works on additional taxes for six countries after digital tax is introduced

The United States (US) wants to impose taxes on six countries for the introduction of a digital tax. In practice, this digital business tax primarily affects the US tech giants, which is a thorn in the side of the US government. The Americans therefore want import duties on products from Italy, Austria, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Bloomberg reports …

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Chamber continues to seek new informant

Chamber continues to seek new informant

Since a note from the first recognition duo in which the name of CDA MP Pieter Omtzigt was mentioned, the process has stalled. The memo showed that Prime Minister Mark Rutte had spoken of Omtzigt in his conversation with the Boy Scouts, and according to critics it appeared that Rutte wanted to promote the critical MP. Rutte initially denied having …

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Netflix USA Show in the Netherlands in 4 steps

Netflix USA Show in the Netherlands in 4 steps

This way, you have access to many other movies and series on Netflix with just a few simple steps. Netflix is ​​a great streaming service in the Netherlands. Compared to recent years, the range has improved considerably. However, compare it to the offers available in the US and we still have a lot to learn here. It is, among other …

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Zonhoven students make video on Netsky music: it’s z … (Zonhoven)

Zonhoven students make video on Netsky music: it's z ... (Zonhoven)

Kevin Clerkx, physical education teacher at SJB Zonhoven, went in search of an original activity for his students. He found this while making a video on a Netsky song. Even more fun for the students: the Belgian DJ has now responded to their video. Johan mulders Today at 1:00 p.m. “I got the idea when I heard the song on …

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Biden takes control of US nuclear weapons (but not Trump’s)

Biden takes control of US nuclear weapons (but not Trump's)

It seldom happens that the outgoing president actually leaves earlier, before his successor takes office. Usually one last meeting. In which nuclear data is also transferred. But of course Donald Trump is different. Still not acknowledging Joe Biden’s gains, Trump is expected to leave the White House sooner. But the transfer of nuclear codes will of course continue and must …

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After Segers’ decision, a new Rutte cabinet seems very far away

After Segers' decision, a new Rutte cabinet seems very far away

Almost half (73 seats) in the House of Representatives supported a motion of no confidence against Rutte. The entire House, except for his own VVD, disapproved of his performance during the reconnaissance, as he did not tell the truth about his first conversation with the former scouts. The report showed that it was indeed ADC MP Pieter Omtzigt, which Rutte …

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Derk Boswijk, new spokesperson for agriculture CDA

Derk Boswijk, new spokesperson for agriculture CDA

Derk Boswijk is the new agricultural spokesperson for CDA. The new MP for Kockengen in Utrecht is thus Jaco Geurts’ successor. On behalf of the Christian Democrats, it was agriculture in the House of Representatives for years. Boswijk, 31, will also take care of the nitrogen dossier. In addition to agriculture, it has defense and water portfolios. He gained political …

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Inequalities between men and women in the Netherlands have decreased | Career

Inequalities between men and women in the Netherlands have decreased |  Career

Women’s labor participation and political influence have increased in the Netherlands over the past year, concludes WEF. There is no gender gap in access to education, health care and life expectancy. Part-time work We are doing less well in terms of economic participation and opportunities. We are ranked 57th in the world. Women are much more likely to be employed …

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