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US census: less than 60% of Americans are white

US census: less than 60% of Americans are white

It was already known that the American population as a whole has grown very slowly over the past ten years. But on Thursday, the office of the last census said the slow growth is entirely attributable to non-white Americans and is concentrated in large cities. For the first time in US history, less than 60% of Americans fall into the …

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US, British evacuate Afghan embassy staff

US, British evacuate Afghan embassy staff

The British have announced similar measures. It is a response to developments in this Central Asian country. With the withdrawal of an international force, the Taliban took the opportunity to retake the country. The soldiers help out The Americans send additional troops to help embassy workers leave. This is common practice in conflict zones. The diplomatic presence in Kabul is …

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The United States wants to force various assistance systems in cars

The United States wants to force various assistance systems in cars

In the United States, President Biden’s $ 1 trillion “infrastructure package” has passed the Senate. This package also appears to include requirements for safety systems for new cars. © Provided by AutoWeek Infrastructure in the United States – especially many bridges – may need an overhaul, to say the least. However, it is not just about the massive investment program …

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Top 5 Free YouTube Video Intro Makers For Your YouTube Marketing

YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google and is a world of creation; the more creative you are, the better. Just ask yourself how many times have you looked for product reviews on YouTube instead of reading them on a blog? How many times have you streamed a music video on YouTube instead of opening up Spotify and …

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Customers will come alone to Peter van der Kroef

Customers will come alone to Peter van der Kroef

Peter van der Kroef at work in Veendam. Henk drenth The international painter Peter van der Kroef (74) who travels in a motorhome has settled in Veendam. After a professional life as a painter and potter at the Regina Pottery in Gouda, he embarked on the adventure of painting everywhere in the street. In addition to being a painter, he …

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US leaves Tokyo with its head held high

Verenigde Staten vertrekt met opgeheven hoofd uit Tokio

August 5, 2021 – The Americans leave the Olympic Games in Tokyo with a bronze medal. In the consolation final, the five-time Olympic champion was too strong for Australia with 4-3. Experienced Megan Rapino and Carli Lloyd took their team by the hand. In advance, the United States were the big favorites for the victory in the general classification. The …

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Russian discounter Mere wants to go to the United States

Russian discounter Mere wants to go to the United States

The controversial Russian discount chain Simple explores expansion opportunities in the United States. A project manager is to open stores in Georgia and Alabama. Cheaper than Aldi and Lidl Russian discounter Mere wants to expand into the United States. This emerges from a vacant position reported by the trade magazine Winsight Grocery Business. The brand, which brings back the “hard” …

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Cyclist Lindeman with the Qhubeka team at the Vuelta

Cyclist Lindeman with the Qhubeka team at the Vuelta

Cyclist Bert-Jan Lindeman will start the Tour of Spain with the Qhubeka team on Saturday. The 32-year-old cyclist is taking part in the Vuelta for the fifth time. In 2015, he won a stage in the LottoNL-Jumbo jersey. Italian Fabio Aru and Colombian Sergio Henao are the leaders in Qhubeka, where future leader Domenico Pozzovivo cannot take the start due …

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Huge US infrastructure deal: $ 550 billion for improvement

Huge US infrastructure deal: $ 550 billion for improvement

The US Senate has approved major infrastructure investments after months of negotiations. The envelope of 550 billion dollars (about 470 billion euros) is intended to improve roads, railways, bridges and Internet connections. With previously approved investments, the total stands at around $ 1 trillion. It is the first bill since President Biden took office that Democrats and Republicans jointly pass. …

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Curious Seed presents FIELD as part of the Edinburgh International Festival

Curious Seed presents FIELD as part of the Edinburgh International Festival

One of Scotland’s most innovative dance companies is the Curious Seat Field – Something for the Future Now, a sustainable outdoor dance physically conceived in a distant world and presented as part of the Edinburgh International Festival on 22 and August 29. Against the backdrop of the magnificent Arthurs chair, the performers react to the surrounding landscape and to each …

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