this way you free up more space in your Dropbox storage

Dropbox gives you 2 GB of storage by default with a Dropbox Basic account. But even if you’ve earned extra bonus space, you might run out of space. How do I clean Dropbox? By carefully considering how you manage your storage. For example, automatically uploading photos turns out to be a huge space hog. You secretly store a lot of files which you actually don’t need at all. Therefore, 5 tips for deep cleaning your Dropbox storage.

# 1 Critically browse the Dropbox Camera Uploads folder

The Dropbox app can automatically upload all the photos and videos you take to Dropbox’s online storage. You set this in the Settings tab under the option Camera Downloads. This feature is very useful because if you ever lose your iPhone, you will not lose all your favorite photos. But you will also take a lot of photos without realizing that you really don’t want to keep: photos of meals, ten identical photos of the same event, photos of a party which most of them failed … in the Downloads folder of the ‘camera. Browse to see the photos you no longer want to keep. Selfies, for example, are fun for a short time, but not all of them are fun enough to be taken in a few years.

Open your Dropbox account and go to the Camera Downloads folder. If you are a professional user, you will find the camera downloads in the personal folder.

# 2 Clear your Dropbox cache

Of Dropbox-cache is automatically emptied every three days. If you need immediate storage space or want to delete sensitive files, you can immediately clear the cache. Here’s how to do it on Mac:

  1. Open Finder on Mac and press Shift-Command-G.
  2. Copy and paste the following destination: ~ / Dropbox / .dropbox.cache
  3. You will now go directly to the Dropbox cache folder.
  4. Drag junk files from this folder to the trash.

# 3 Don’t upload screenshots to Dropbox

If you regularly take screenshots and screen recordings on Mac, you know things can get tricky at some point. With the screenshot function you can automatically save screenshots and screenshots from your Mac to your Dropbox account. When you enable this feature, the following events occur:

  • Screenshots and screenshots are automatically saved in a folder called Screenshots.
  • A link to the screenshot or screenshot will be copied to your clipboard for easy sharing.

Sounds good, sure, but it also means your Dropbox storage is slowly filling up with screenshots you’ll never look back. So it’s a good idea to see if you can’t completely empty the folder. Screenshots often have a limited lifespan: after a week, you don’t need them anymore. Therefore, clean them!

# 4 Compress files before downloading them
You want to save photos in high resolution. But there are also photos which are just funny or funny, but you don’t need to have them full size. You can solve this problem by compressing photos with applications such as ImageOptim. ImageOptim ensures that photos take up less space without drastically degrading quality. Choose only the photos that you don’t want to print or use in photo collages in the future.

With the documents, you can put them in a zip file first, so that they take up less space.

# 5 Prevent Dropbox from “eating” your hard drive
Another problem is that Dropbox files are taking up too much space on your Mac. This is because you also store (almost) all Dropbox files locally on your Mac’s hard drive. Fortunately, you can fix this problem by turning on selective sync.

Here’s how selective sync works:

  1. Open your preferences in the Dropbox desktop app.
  2. Click the Synchronize tab.
  3. Click below Selective synchronization Select Folders (Mac) or Selective Sync (Windows).
  4. Check the folders you want to save on the hard drive.
  5. Uncheck the folders you want to delete.
  6. click on Update.

This feature is available to all Dropbox users, even if you have Dropbox Basic.

Here’s how smart sync works:
Users paying with Dropbox Plus, Family, Professional or Business have an additional option: Smart Sync. You can also free up hard drive space with Smart Sync. Instead of completely deleting files and folders, you can create files and folders online only. They will still be visible on your computer, but will only be stored in your Dropbox account online. Once you want to use the file, you need to download it first.

An automatic setting is also available that makes files and folders online only based on how you use them.

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