The Zeeland Environmental Federation starts a stampede by distributing trees: “Three thousand in half an hour”

Besides contributing, the action of ZMf and a number of other nature organizations and municipalities can also be a drop in the ocean, ZMf’s Melissa Ernst also agrees. “But there could well be four thousand trees in good weather,” she said this morning before the action began on the radio program. Zeeland wake up. This is the number of trees and shrubs that ZMf offers in collaboration with several other nature organizations and municipalities.

The idea of ​​donating trees originally came from the national platform Plan Boom, which wants to plant ten million trees for “a greener, healthier and more beautiful Netherlands”.

Willow and wild privet

Zealander can choose from six trees and four shrubs, ranging from willow to wild privet. “These are native trees and shrubs, they are important for our biodiversity. You can choose a maximum of six,” Ernst explains.

Order now

The trees have been open since 9 a.m. this morning order via the ZMf website. The ordered trees – between 20 and 120 centimeters in size – can be picked up on Saturday 11 December, including planting instructions, in Scharendijke, Kamperland, Goes, Borssele, Middelburg, Groede and Sint-Maartensdijk. “In half an hour, we had already lost three thousand of the four thousand. It would be nice if there was more life, more greenery in the Zeeland gardens. I myself will go and look for the green hazel tree.”

The question is whether she was on time, because as mentioned ZMf’s website was in full swing. “The order forms for the people of Goes and other Zeelands have been removed from the website because we first need to make a good inventory of our stock of trees and shrubs,” reads this morning on the site.

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