The United States will talk again about the nuclear deal with …

The United States will join international negotiations on an international nuclear deal with Iran next week. This agreement is in the doldrums and Washington stresses that it is open to talks with the regime in Tehran, reports the Foreign Ministry. Direct talks between the two countries are not yet expected.

“It is still early days, and we do not expect an immediate breakthrough as there will be difficult discussions. But we believe it is a healthy step forward,” said a spokesperson for the department.

Earlier on Friday, it was announced that the important countries of China, Russia, France, Germany and the United Kingdom will meet on Tuesday in Vienna, the Austrian capital, to discuss with Iran about the nuclear deal. The countries want to relaunch the agreement.


Iran has no longer honored the agreements since the United States unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2018 under the leadership of then-President Donald Trump. In the 2015 agreement, Iran agreed to restrict and monitor its nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

While Trump’s successor Joe Biden is open to a return to the deal, that has not happened to date. The president first wants Iran to stick to the agreements again, while Iran demands that the United States lift the sanctions first.

The consultation in Vienna is under the presidency of the European Union. The EU says the discussion partners will meet to determine what sanctions should be lifted and what measures are needed because of nuclear activities.

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