Ten more days and we will then know if Lukas Dhont will win the Oscar for best international film with ‘Close’. As tradition dictates, you can follow the awards ceremony, which takes place on the night of March 12 to 13, live on Play More Cinema. This year, however, it will also be streamed through GoPlay, Play4 and Play5’s free online platform.
Wout Desmytere
If you plan to remain seated for the entire ride, it’s best to be well rested. The Oscars start at 1am and you can’t finish it in half an hour. Before the start of the ceremony, a panel of personalities and moviegoers are already considering the chances of Close.
READ ALSO. The Flemish ex-nominees on the chances of winning “Close”: “Clever, how Lukas Dhont approaches it”
Jan Verheyen, Erik Van Looy, Robin Pront, Jennifer Heylen closely monitor everything related to PlayZuid. Britt Valkenborghs, as moderator, makes sure everything runs smoothly. When there is a break in the United States, the panel provides feedback. They do it with a special audience, because the cast and crew of Close will support Lukas Dhont from Belgium.