the american infrastructure is very outdated

Vermont residents have been kayaking through swirling waterways that have taken over the streets in recent days. Extreme rainfall in a short time has caused severe flooding in the northeastern US state. More than a hundred people had to be rescued and thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed, according to The Washington Post. Only panic really set in when the Wrightsville dam threatened to burst.

In the end, it remained a doomsday scenario – the dam seems to be holding up for now. But as the water level drops, Vermont’s vulnerability is exposed. More than half of the 363 dams are classified as dangerous or very dangerous, according to an inventory carried out by the American authorities, reports the news channel USA Today. This means that if they break, there will probably be fatalities.

The poor condition of the dams is part of a larger problem: the quality of much of the infrastructure is appalling. The United States is notorious for overdue maintenance. The number of torn buildings, potholed roads and obsolete bridges is gigantic. Several presidents have said they want to do something about it, but so far little has happened.

Revolutionary Investment Plan

Current President Joe Biden is also aware of collapsing infrastructure. One of his spearheads when he moved into the White House in 2021: getting rid of this lingering legacy. He announced a groundbreaking investment plan and pledged to invest billions in improving infrastructure. The question is whether that will be enough. It is estimated that it takes a multiple, namely several trillions.

null Image Bart Friso

Image Bart Friso

According to Wijnand Veeneman, infrastructure expert at TU Delft, it has everything to do with funding. “In the Netherlands, we expect well-built and maintained infrastructure, for which we as citizens pay,” he says. “In the United States, a lot of infrastructure is paid for with stocks, what we call obligations. Private parties can buy bonds in exchange for returns paid by the government. »

The result is that the government focuses mainly on short-term investments in new infrastructure and little on the maintenance of the existing one.

Changing this system is difficult. Veeneman points to a profound cultural difference. “If a dike breaks in the Netherlands, we assume the government will take care of us. There is no such trust in the United States. Americans see government as a necessary evil to be spent on as little money as possible. But a small government can also offer less, such as well-maintained infrastructure.

Cost of a long life

The scientist also identifies vulnerabilities in the Dutch system. “Since the 1960s, a lot of work has been done on new construction and too little consideration has been given to the long lifespan and associated costs. The challenge for the coming decades is to maintain quality. The focus shifts from building new roads and railway lines to maintaining existing facilities. »

Flooding in Vermont brings back memories of Tropical Storm Irene in August 2011, which killed six people in the state. So far, there is no relief. Heavy rain is forecast for Thursday and Friday. “The danger has not passed yet,” Governor Phil Scott said. “It’s far from over.”

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