Thanks to vvd PEPERDUUR, EU rents a building that is only used four days a month

You know what’s also pretty important? Europe of course! That’s why they always say ‘Europe is quite important’. What is especially important about Europe is that people don’t like Europe a bit, because otherwise there is nothing left (or something like that, look at exactly how this conspiracy, editor’s note). That’s why they have Frans Timmermans, for example, and that’s also why they have an antenna in Strasbourg which exists specifically to get all kinds of angry people across the T. and on the GeenStijl by the way of an UNNECESSARY MOVEMENT CIRCUIT of OUR TAX HUNDREDS. And the branch grows, with a new building. “The European Parliament will rent the building for 700,000 euros per year. The building will mainly be used during sessions: only four days a month.” Two sentences, everyone angry, PEPPER in the head, mission accomplished. But there is more : “A previous attempt by the opponents to block the real estate adventure narrowly failed. Remarkably enough, the VVD delegation – against Strasbourg as a meeting place – could have made the difference. But the Liberals thought things would be fine with the osmosis plan.” GOOD. The VVD previously thought that things would also go well with Teeven’s receipt, with the crown, with the surcharge scandal and with an elbow to that guy from Left Laser. Good job everyone.

Meanwhile in Brussels


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