The factory is approached in four ways. Helmut van Pelt from Staatsbosbeheer: "We c"/> Staatsbosbeheer is fighting against the yellow lily

Staatsbosbeheer is fighting against the yellow lily

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The factory is approached in four ways. Helmut van Pelt from Staatsbosbeheer: “We cut the thick lawns of the meadow, remove the root of the plant and everything else and put the sod back in. Another method is to mow the plot and vacuum the clippings with a lawn mower. sod. The third method is to loosen and destroy the sod and the last method is to plow the plants with electricity. “

The results of the trial will be shared with the Dutch Food and Consumer Safety Authority (NVWA) and the Knowledge Network Invasive Exotics. This way, a plan can be quickly drawn up on how best to combat this alien species. The first results should be known in the fall.

What is an invasive alien?

Staatsbosbeheer: “Invasive alien species are plants, animals and microorganisms that have found themselves in a new habitat due to the actions of humans. They do not originally belong here. Alien species are not all invasive. Species that can settle into the new habitat. And by spreading we call an invasive alien, they can quickly adapt to the new environment. Invasive alien species, like yellow lilies, compete with species native to living space. In extreme cases, invasive species can completely invade an area (think species such as hogweed, American bird cherry, and Japanese knotweed) and completely cover large areas. areas. On the Grevelingendam, this means that vulnerable species such as orchids, knapweed and parnassia are displaced. “

According to Staatsbosbeheer, the yellow rush lily is easy to recognize: “This lily blooms with striking star-shaped yellow flowers from April through summer, but may also bloom a bit more in the fall. It is (semi) evergreen, the leaves are sword shaped, are light green in color and turn purple at the edges in autumn. “

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