See: Oprah Winfrey talks to Michelle Obama

DThe world knew Michelle Obama as the First Lady of the United States. But logically, it is much more than that. She is a lawyer, author, mother and model. And soon, she won’t be talking to another icon like Oprah Winfrey about her special life.

Michelle Obama began her life in Chicago, where she quickly proved to be very intelligent. She skipped second grade and entered a gifted class in sixth grade. And later she took many courses for advanced students. It is therefore not surprising that this woman was able to attend Ivy League schools. She attended Princeton and earned her law degree from Harvard Law School.

After college, she joined a law firm in Chicago, where she worked in marketing and intellectual property. However, this work was doubly special: she also met Barack Obama there, who of course later became her husband. However, Michelle herself worked for the City of Chicago earlier and was appointed Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago in 1996. In 2002, she also began working at University Hospitals from Chicago.

A busy career, which she also maintained during her husband Barack’s presidential campaign, even if she also contributed to it. And we all know what happened next: she became the First Lady. She used the influence she gained with this to work on women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and to advise her husband Barack.

In conversation with Oprah Winfrey

A special life, to say the least. And Michelle Obama probably realizes that too. After her time as First Lady, for example, she wrote a book about this period of her life. And even now, she’s still engaged in all kinds of special work, especially around women’s rights and LGBTQ rights. Moreover, between all this, she is also the mother of two daughters, who logically also need their mother.

She has now written another book: The light we carry. In this book, she shares practical wisdom and strategies for maintaining hope and balance, even in an uncertain world like today’s. To promote this book, Michelle Obama logically went on tour again, and part of that was a long chat with girlfriend Oprah Winfrey. In this conversation, she shares personal stories about her childhood and her time in the White House, but also shares insights into self-confidence, fears, and aging.

This conversation was of course recorded, which means that we can review it. The special will be released on Netflix on April 25.

Picture: Netflix

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