Smartphone time
(Afbeelding: Unsplash / Anh Nhat)
Until now, Samsung has been releasing smartphones with a single fold line, but why not just add a second fold line? This requires additional technical knowledge and solutions. But now the South Korean company’s Display arm has delivered a concept, which can be seen in a YouTube video.
The concept of a foldable smartphone with two fold lines can be seen at IMID 2021. This abbreviation stands for International Meeting for Information Displays. Since not everyone is there, Samsung Display’s YouTube channel also has a video uploaded containing the concept.
Samsung foldable phone with three fold lines
While it is of course great to see a development in the foldable phone arena, it is also striking that no one in the video is folding the foldable smartphone. That’s probably why it’s still a concept. For example, we already have an idea of what a phone with two fold lines can look like in practice.
You don’t need to use a lot of imagination for this. Because it is clear that Samsung has looked into the design of current foldable smartphones, such as the Galaxy z fold 3 to Galaxy z flip 3. These devices serve as the basis for this concept. The design is therefore in line with expectations.
Foldable smartphone of the future
Samsung calls the technology behind this concept “multipliable”. This particular product is called the Flex In & Out. It is not yet certain whether the company will include this name for the final product as well. Chances are, however, not because such concept names almost never stick.
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In addition, we have to take into account that it may take years before we can use this foldable smartphone of the future. The technology, as ingenious as it may seem, is still young and may still have a long way to go. But now we know what to expect.
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