Review of Far Cry 6 in progress

After weeks of content on and around the Far Cry franchise and the new Part 6, it’s time to pass judgment. How is the game? Celebrating is fun and good, but at the end of the day you want to know if the game is worth your hard earned money. Boris, Jelle and JJ have been working on the game for several days. However, the game is so huge that it really takes us a few more days to be able to deliver the final verdict on Far cry 6. That’s why Jelle and JJ give you their first impressions in this video. A so-called review in progress. Boris will sit down on Monday for something that is already threatening to become a heated criticism.

Dani Rojas’ life story in Far Cry 6

In Far Cry 6, we play Dani Rojas. It can be a man, but also a woman. It is entirely up to you. In Yara’s world, dictator Castillo reigns. You go into battle with him and do it in the typical Far Cry way. By literally unlocking region by region and taking down the “final boss” there. And here we immediately come to a delicate point. Far Cry is Far Cry. Nothing more and nothing less. And some people are done with it. Is this also the case with Jelle and JJ? Is it a pity that a game is more or less the same? Is taste the deciding factor in such a case?

The game is awesome

In the game, we dive into the world of the guerrillas of the island of Yara. How does the story begin? Which way is it going? Is that nice to say? How did we come to the side of the guerrillas? We also tell you what was our first impression of the graphics? Has Ubisoft created a lively and atmospheric world? And how does it play? Like the previous part, or are there innovations. The first end of the veil is lifted in this Current Review.

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