Police caravan driver clears finger at Cleveland Black Lives Matter protesters outside presidential debate

Not far from the scene of a nonviolent social justice struggle involving Black Lives Matter Cleveland, vehicles carrying armed officers returned to Hazel Drive from East Boulevard.

Preliminary meeting estimates suggest that at least 500 people attended the event.

“Why are you in revolt? I do not see any rioting here, ”protesters chanted as vehicles passed by.

A finger salute is clearly visible from a hand extended out of the window of the officers’ third vehicle.

The Sheila and Eric Samson of the PLM Parade Health Education Campus came around the perimeter areas near the pavilion. The Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University are the moderators of the discussion.

When the march returned to the Wade Oval near the Cleveland Art Museum, many protesters called it a night because the sun had set just before 8pm. The 90-minute debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Joe Biden is set to begin at 9 p.m.

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