“I was overwhelmed with relief,” wrote Pink on election results. “I was overwhelmed by Kamala and the inspiration she gives to girls everywhere. Jones made me cry, ”she referred to new Vice President Kamala Harris and CNN reporter Jones, who didn’t keep him dry when he learned Biden had been declared the winner. In addition to her joy, Pink sees a huge challenge for Biden and Harris. “This country has so much work to do to come together.”
Pink’s husband Carey hart hopes the United States “will continue as one country and not as two parties.” The motocross rider voted for Biden, despite being registered as a Republican and said he has voted Republican his entire life. “I hate Donald Trump,” he said in October. “I hope the new leaders will do what they say they will do. And over time, I hope everyone in this country feels like they are being treated equally. “
Pink, like her husband, is not a fan of Trump. She regularly attacked the outgoing president. She didn’t care for selling a gym in less than five minutes when Trump stood outside a half-empty hall at a campaign rally in June. According to her, there was also no debut for a new version of her song Dear Mr. President, a critical open letter to President George W. Bush from 2006. “There are no words for this. ashamed person. “
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